Qual o significado de institutionalise?

Zumstein 1 31 435
Ex. Eduard (diagnosed with schizophrenia) was institutionalised several times.

Tem algo a ver com internação compulsória de viciados em drogas?


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1 resposta
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Hey there, Zumstein.

It not quite true. Anyone who is considered vulnerable is institutionalized by his or her family, friends or legal representatives.
Regardless of being schizophrenic or a drug additic, the institutionalization occurs when a severe mental disorder is diagnosed in time.
A vulnerable is someone who is not able to take care of himself / herself.

The institutionalization is more forceful than the hospitalization.
Involuntary or civil commitments (a.k.a. Sectioning) are examples of institutionalization.

- Hospitalized x Institutionalized.

- (To) institutionalize (AmE) / institutionalise (BrE)

Meaning 1: (To) place or keep (someone) in a residential institution.
Significado 1: Levar ou manter (alguém) em um instituto residencial / alojamento social / centro de reabilitação.

Meaning 2: (To) place in or commit to the care of a specialized institution (such as a psychiatric hospital)
Significado 2: Internar ou deixar aos cuidados de uma instituição especializada (um hospital psiquiátrico, por exemplo).

[verb / adjective]

Meaning 3: Someone who gradually becomes less able to think and act independently, because of having lived for a long time under the rules of an institution.
Significado 3: Alguém que gradualmente se torna incapaz de pensar e agir independentemente por viver por um bom tempo sob as normas de um instituto.


These adolescents had more contacts with the police and were charged and institutionalized more often.
Estes adolescentes tinham mais contatos com a polícia e eram detidos e doutrinados / instruídos / internados com mais frequência.

Thirty years ago doctors routinely advised parents to institutionalize children with Down syndrome and other disabilities…
Há trinta anos, os médicos aconselhavam os pais a internarem crianças com Síndrome de Down e outras desordens mentais...

We need to avoid long-stay patients in the hospital becoming institutionalized.
Nós precisamos evitar que pacientes de longo prazo deste hospital se tornem dependentes.

Eduard, who was diagnosed with schizophrenia, was institutionalised several times.
Eduard, que foi diagnosticado com esquizofrenia, foi internado diversas vezes.

(1) Cambridge Online Dictionary.
(2) Meriam-webster Online Dictionary.
(3) KING, D. Brett; VINEY, Wayne; WOODY, William Douglas. A History of Psychology: Ideas and Context. Allyn & Bacon. 2007.
(4) JOYCE, R; O’CONNOR, L. Life Education: Research and Evaluation. Life Education. 2008.
(5) BERRIOS, G. E.; PORTER, Roy. A history of clinical psychiatry: the origin and history of psychiatric disorders. London: Athlone Press. 1995.