Quanto tempo um Tradutor Profissional leva para traduzir um livro?

Quanto tempo um Tradutor Profissional leva para traduzir um livro, por exemplo, de 150 páginas, do português para o inglês ou vice-versa?

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PPAULO is correct, it depends on factors such as the size of the book being translated and the kind of vocabulary which could vary from colloquial to specialized usage with proprietary terms. It might help to understand the difference between translating from or to your native language. When translating from English to my native Portuguese I think of it as a funnel: things are poured on the top wide aperture and get easily limited by the small draining one. Now, going from your native language towards English feels like turning the funnel upside down: you have to pour through the small aperture and experience the "liquid" dripping in some erratic directions, sideways. To give you an example, you will have to deal with targeting the text to either British or US English or trying to find some safe mid-term, a challenging thing.
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Hi there Jorliane, I am no translator, but I think that is too wide a question to be answered in a sitting (or in a breath).
It's that translation metrics seem like involving a lot of factors. I learned that some translators 'measure' that in terms of per hour or per day for each production job.
Others might count words per day, and then technical jobs have a different count of the ones involving marketing.

Here enters the use of translation tools, online and online research (technical books, etc), by the way a good translator might have a set of different language jargon (pecular ways privy to the specific audience/group).
The more complex and arcane words and expressions the more time is spent in the project, slowing things, so the word might decrease.
And finally, the work and experience of the human translator come into play as well, they do the fine-tuning, and experience is still not replaceable.
Perhaps time-scheduling is something that will come with time on the job... Anyway, let's wait some translator might come in and give some information and insights on the subject.

Ref. atanet
Ref. extraspeech