Significado de Had better

Eu queria saber a tradução de Had better. Alguém pode criar frases usando Had better?

Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
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Had better: seria melhor, é melhor
  1. You had better go = You'd better go = Seria melhor você ir.
  2. I had better stay here today = I'd better stay here today = Seria melhor eu ficar aqui hoje.
  3. We had better not talk = We'd better not talk = Seria melhor nós não conversarmos.
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Cf. Had Better: Como usar em inglês

Bons estudos.
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Desculpe por ressuscitar o tópico, mas qual seria a tradução de "Ann had better request another headset. The one she has now is not working properly."?

Algo do tipo "Seria melhor se a Ann pedisse outros fones"?
I have heard this and think it is just an idiom. Most people do not use it in the States. We just say ,"I better or should leave now before a fight breaks out. Sometimes a mom might say it to a child. "You'd better clean your room, or else! That would be a stronger way of saying it with this idiom. Most would say , You better clean your room or else! It may depend on regions. Where I live we don't use it. Maybe it is used more in England. I don't know. I saw grammatical explanations for it but I don't buy them. There is no grammatical rule that makes this correct. As I said, it is just an idiom. This is my opinion,
'had better' tem sentido de 'should', de dar conselho, porém é mais imperativo, é usado em geral para enfatizar que algo ruim pode acontecer caso o conselho não seja seguido, por isso muitas vezes é usado como uma 'ameaça'. Em geral, no inglês americano o 'had' desaparece e fica apenas 'better', mas vale dizer que após o better o verbo continua na simple form (infinitivo sem o to): 'She had better clean her room' ou 'She better clean her room' (não 'She better cleans her room')

Olhe os exemplos do topico mesmo:
–"Ann had better request another headset. The one she has now is not working properly". Se Ann nao pegar um novo headset, ela vai ficar com um defeituoso.

–'You better clean your room or else!' o 'or else' por si já demonstra ameaça, mas o better também carrega uma ameaça de uma mãe para um filho, querendo que ele faça algo, senão vem castigo por aí.

Um exemplo mais claro de ameaça: caso você, muito esfomeado, tenha comprado umas batatas fritas e um amigo vá pegar uma sem pedir permissão, você, que não quer dividi-las, poderia falar 'You better not touch my food!', indicando que você vai fazer algo de ruim com ele caso pegue da sua comida. É bom notar que isso pode ser usado comicamente, principalmente como exagero.
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Veja o que o sítio diz a respeito disso:

Using “better” by itself is fine except in formal English. “In a wide range of informal circumstances (but never in formal contexts) the had or ’d can be dispensed with,” Fowler’s says.

Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of English Usage calls “had better” a standard English idiom and agrees with Fowler’s that “better,” when used alone in this sense, “is not found in very formal surroundings.”

The Oxford English Dictionary’s earliest citation for the construction without “had” is from a pseudonymous letter to a newspaper by “Major Jack Downing”:

“My clothes had got so shabby, I thought I better hire out a few days and get slicked up a little.” (The letter was published in a book in 1834 but was written in 1831.)

The OED says the abbreviated usage originated in the US, and labels it a colloquialism. But Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (11th ed.) lists it without reservations.

The Merriam-Webster’s editors give the example “you better hurry,” and says “better” in this sense is a “verbal auxiliary.”

It should be noted that even the full phrase, “had better,” was criticized by some in the 19th century on the ground that it was illogical and couldn’t be parsed: an 1897 issue of the Ohio Educational Monthly says many teachers found “had better” and other idioms “very difficult to dispose of grammatically.”
O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
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pattydemoura escreveu:Desculpe por ressuscitar o tópico, mas qual seria a tradução de "Ann had better request another headset. The one she has now is not working properly."?

Algo do tipo "Seria melhor se a Ann pedisse outros fones"?
4 12 30
Hello, all! This is a great discussion about this topic because it illustrates how the "rule" is to be used and the way we native speakers really speak. This happens very often in spoken English. There is no need to use the "had" because we all know that it's supposed to be there, but it's not necessary for understanding, so we leave it out.

So when I tell my son "You better get in the shower right now!" he knows what I mean!

He doesn't need to hear a "had"!

A good example in Portuguese is the word "você". We all know that it is two syllables "vo" and "cê", but when you say it in normal speech, it often comes out only "cê". That's why we write it in SMS like "ce". I predict that it will eventually be shortened to just "c" (c vai pra praia?). Outro exemplo: "o quê é que você" becomes simply "kékce". No one actually says the whole thing, except when they are emphasizing.

Listen to the song "You Better You Bet" by The Who. You will see what I mean.
