Significado de "Most Likely"

Significado de "Most Likely"
Hello, guys! What is the meaning of the expression "most likely"?

I've seen this on Facebook page of Jimmy Fallon's TV show, where he puts some pictures of athletes with a subtitle as "most likely to be the eyes behind the paintings at the old mansion". I can understand the whole idea of the joke, I even laugh sometimes, :lol: but I still didn't pick up this expression. Could you guys help me?

Thanks a lot!

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Most/very likely
Very probably = existe grande probabilidade

The illness was caused, most likely, by a virus.
The shares will most likely be worth less than 5% of the amount that would be paid...

Source: Oxford dictionary
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"mais provavelmente/muito provavelmente/há grandes chances de...", etc.
Got it now! :D

Thank you very much!!!