Significado de Nursing Home

The sentence is "I work in a nursing home. I'm a nurse here and take care of the residents. What does "nursing home" mean?

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3 respostas
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Acredito que possa ser traduzido como "asilo" ou simplesmente "casa de repouso"
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yes, by the older way of saying "asilo", by more comtemporary wording "casa de repouso/lar de idosos/lar para idosos".
There is another meaning to nursing home as well, that is "casa de convalescença/hospital de convalescença." (it seems like being specially used when referring to a care facility for the elderly, but sometimes it means "clinic".)

As the sentence mentions "residents", it suggests (to my thinking) that the meaning is of "casa de repouso/lar de idosos/lar para idosos".
Acho que o mais proximo disso deve ser "asilo"