Significado de "Stanley knife"

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Qual é a tradução de Stanley knife? O que significa Stanley knife? Se você chegou aqui à procura de uma resposta, então está no lugar certo. Confira a seguir.

Stanley knife: A Stanley knife is a very sharp knife that is used to cut materials such as carpet and paper. It consists of a small blade fixed in the end of a handle. (Collins)

Em português, stanley knife é um tipo de canivete.

Exemplos de uso:
  • He used his stanley knife to cut wood. [Ele usou o canivete para cortar madeira.]
  • This stanley knife is sharp, but the other one is blunt. [Este canivete está afiado, mas o outro está cego.]
  • Be careful not to cut yourself with this stanley knife. [Cuidado para não se cortar com este canivete.]
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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
A.k.a. Utility knife. The folding pocket knife is a "canivete" and the retractable (utility) knife is the "estilete". Perhaps the company climbed on the "estilete" bandwagon in recent times.). In some countries they call it a cutter or box cutter.

Stanley is a brand name used by people (in the case) as a generic term for the product. Like "gilete" back here, or Jacuzzi (that also make toilet and mattresses).