Significado de "the other way around"

Jeanny0 1
Achei as seguintes definições:

1 - in the opposite position, direction, or order

You put the fork on the right and the knife on the left. They should be the other way around.

2 - used to say that the opposite situation is true

Sometimes I cook and she does the dishes and sometimes it is the other way around.

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2 respostas
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The other way around = ao contrário/invertido
Você coloca o garfo na direita e a faca na esquerda. Eles deveriam estar ao contrário/invertidos.
As vezes eu cozinho e ela lava a louça, e as vezes ao contrário [as vezes a gente inverte]
O inverso, o contrário

Men are physically stronger than women, not the other way around.
A US dollar is worth four reais. Expressed the other way around, one real is worth a quarter.