Significado de "There's no such thing"

I've told you before, sweetie, there's no such thing as ghosts!
E qual a diferença??
He said that you're not going with us." "I said no such thing."

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There's no such thing as ghosts! = Não existe esse negócio de fantasma.

I said no such thing = Eu não disse nada disso.
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By the way:
There is no such thing as ghosts/there is no such a thing as ghosts.

Okay, okay, the purists will tell me that when replacing the noun "thing" by "address/number" nobody will say "there´s no such a number/an adress".
This is like the 'no creo en brujas, pero que las hay, las hay" thing (in English - witches/ghosts don't exist until you bump into them.). [1]
So, I don´t believe in "such a thing" but that they use, they use. :-)

[1] And also:
Witches don't exist, but there's no denying that they're out there.