Significado de "very + (non-adjective)"

I have a question.
I was listening to a song in High School Musical, Breaking Free, and there was an expression that left me confused for not knowing either what it means or its grammar.
Can you feel it building
Like a wave the ocean just can't control?
Connected by a feeling
Oh, in our very souls (very souls)
I don't know what this construction, very + non-adjective, means.

Here is another example:
"You are the very first one to get here."
I thank you all!

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Hi João Gabriel:

Those structures show the word very used to emphasize the meaning of the noun souls or the number first.

"Oh, em nossas próprias almas (nossas almas)." [...bem nas nossas almas...]
"Você é (definitivamente) o primeiro a chegar aqui. "

That's it!

See you around!
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
Cinnamon, is it correct to treat "very" and "right", in some cases, as synonyms?
Like "right here", "right there" or "right now", could they be written as "very here", "very now", and so on? They sound a little strange, but are they correct/acceptable?
19 293
"Very now" and "very here" do not work, at all. You could, however, say "at this very moment" and "in this very place".
So, I guess there is no rule for the use of the word "very" we are discussing here, only particular cases we need to get used to (like the words "do" and "make" don't have a general rule). Am I right?
19 293
I would personally suggest you try to stop relying on rules and knowing whether or not a particular sentence structure can be used based off of it and just acquire knowledge through natural exposure over time instead. You'll see native speakers using it while being able to figure out the context it applies to, you'll know you can use it and you'll be able to do so whenever the context pops up in your mind (provided your mind is capable of functioning in English directly). No point in asking questions in this case. How's it sound?
Além de aprender sem anúncios, você terá acesso: aos Cursos do English Experts, a respostas verificadas por especialistas (ilimitado) e ao aplicativo Meu Vocabulário. ATUALIZAR AGORA
Thank you for your suggestion!
6 49 1.3k
Well, João. First of all, I would say that from the very beginning ;-) we are referring to "very" as a device for emphasis.

In this vein, a rule of the thumb would think of the expression "no less":
Oh, in our very souls (very souls) - no less - meaning from the deep of our souls.

Whereas with the sentence "you are the very first one to get here.", again for emphasis - we could replace it for:
"you are "truly" the first one to get here." (I am impressed)
"undoubtedly" you are the first one to get here! (awesome!, how you manage to be the first one - no less!)

It's this 'feeling' of emphasis, admiration, that is conveyed with "that" there.

In a way (and sometiems), we could think of "logo" in Portuguese:
You are the first to get here. (você é o primeiro a chegar aqui).
You are the very first one to get here! (você é logo o primeiro a chegar aqui!) OR "o senhor é justamente o primeiro a chegar aqui! ".

Of course, it applies to the cases from the sentences of the beginning of the question. For more, you may come up with new sentences and we will deal with it, on a case-by-case basis.
6 49 1.3k
Complementing my previous comment. The word "very" in that case (for emphasis):
I wouldn't place into the category of grammar usage, a rule of thumb (macete) that we could use to know how to translate would be the replacement word for it (a.k.a. Synonym).
So, if you can emphasize it also in Portuguese with some equivalent word such as "decididamente/simplesmente/totalmente/plenamente/absolutamente]verdadeiramente", then you know its 'the case for emphasis'.

For practical purposes let's say it's the Mcmillan's case 1a:
Used for emphasizing that something is the best, worst, biggest, smallest, first, last etc
They were badly fed, badly clothed, and lived in the very worst conditions.
...eles vivem verdadeiramente nas piores condições/eles vivem absolutamente nas piores condições/...eles decididamente vivem nas piores condições/eles vivem verdadeiramente nas piores condições.

The website has the very latest music news.
O site (da internet) tem simplesmente as últimas notícias de músicas.

We want to make sure that we choose the very best design.
Nós queremos garantir [1] que escolhermos absolutamente o melhor design.

[1] no sentido de se certificar (de não ter erro, etc), não no de afirmar algo.

At the very least, Higgins should have to pay a fine for what he’s done.
No mínimo/pelo menos, Higgins deveria pagar uma multa pelo que fez.
Ref. macmillandictionary

Perceba que nste último é comum a tradução em português com as formas "no mínimo/pelo menos".
Okay, pode fazer isso sim, mas o tradutor tem em mente que há a ênfase ali, que se poderia colocar "minimamente, Higgins devery pagar uma multa pelo que fez.". Mas talvez o pessoal ache feio, ou seja falta de hábito de usar "minimamente". Basta saber que há um grau adicional de ênfase.
Ou seja, é traduzido da mesma forma que "at least" (pelo menos, ao menos, etc) mas o leitor deverá 'entender' que em "at the very least" foi empregada uma ênfase a mais. Ou seja, tem um 'senso' de enfâse diferenciado ali.

Da mesma forma pode-se (e talvez seja melhor) na frase em que eu dei a dica de usar o "justamente", trocá-la por "simplesmente" : o senhor foi simplesmente o primeiro a chegar!

I hope this helps.
6 49 1.3k
To the usual very + adjectives, etc, you can find something in the following site.
It doesn't touch the above subject (the emphatic use of 'very'. So, just an aside suggestion.
Ref. lascusa