Significado "roll of the dice"

Jeanny0 1
- The merger was their last roll of the dice, and it failed miserably.

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2 respostas
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NeyF 3 24 206
The merger was their last roll of the dice.
A fusão foi a última tentativa deles.
A fusão foi a última aposta deles.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
The merger was their last chance, and it failed miserably.

The merger was their last attempt, and it failed miserably.
The merger was their last
It suggests that they would make a dangerous or risky move with "roll of the dice", not just the last attempt chronologically but a risky venture as well. They had something to lose, or they made an unusual trade-off because it was seemingly worth.

The merger was the last move they were willing to take (on the hope of a fortunate outcome), and it failed miserably.