Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Turn me loose from your hands Liberte-me de suas mãos
Let me fly to distant lands Deixe-me voar a terras distantes
Over green fields, trees and mountains Sobre os campos verdes, árvores e montanhas
Flowers and forest fountains Flores e fontes da floresta
Home along the lanes of the skyway Voltando pra casa por caminhos (construídos) no céu
For this dark and lonely room Porque esse lugar sombrio e solitário
Projects a shadow cast in gloom Projeta uma sombra lançada na tristeza
And my eyes are mirrors of the world outside E meus olhos são espelhos do mundo lá fora
Thinking of the way that the wind can turn the tide Pensando sobre o jeito que o vento possa mudar a maré
And these shadows turn from purple into grey E estas sombras compreensivas se tornem desgastantes
For just a skyline pigeon Por apenas um pombo rasante
Dreaming of the open Sonhando em liberdade
Waiting for the day Esperando pelo dia
(When) he can spread his wings (Quando) ele poderá abrir suas asas
And fly away again E voar para longe novamente
Fly away, skyline pigeon, fly Voe para longe, pombo rasante, voe
Towards the dreams you've left so very far behind Rumo àqueles sonhos que você deixou há muito tempo
Fly away, skyline pigeon, fly Voe para longe, pombo rasante, voe
Towards the dreams you've left so very far behind Rumo àqueles sonhos que você esqueceu há muito tempo
Just let me wake up in the morning to the smell of new mown hay Apenas deixe-me acordar pela manhã com o cheiro do feno cortado recentemente
To laugh and cry, to live and die in the brightness of my day Para rir e chorar, viver e morrer na luz do meu dia
I wanna hear the pealing bells of distant churches sing Quero ouvir os sinos das igrejas longínquas tocando com força
But most of all, please free me from this aching metal ring Porém, acima de tudo, por favor, liberte-me deste doloroso anel de metal
And open out this cage towards the sun E abra bem esta gaiola rumo ao sol
Fly away, skyline pigeon, fly Voe para longe, pombo rasante, voe
Towards the things you've left so very far behind Rumo às coisas que você deixou há muito tempo
Fly away, skyline pigeon, fly Voe para longe, pombo rasante, voe
Towards the things you've left so very, so very far behind Rumo às coisas que você esqueceu há muito, muito tempo mesmo
(1) Skyline Pigeon - Trecho.
(2) Skyline Pigeon - Termo.

Note: The words pigeon and cage are examples of metaphor, which is a figure of speech used for rhetorical effect and directly refers to something by mentioning another one. The meaning provided may be clear or obscure. In this lyric, the pigeon represents someone who wants to be free flying high rather than being trapped in a cage. Some people associate the cage and the metal ring as an oppressive domestic relationship.

The song Skyline Pigeon was composed by Sir Elton John and Bernie Taupin and it may have been inspired by the 1962 film Birdman of Alcatraz. Elton recorded the song for his debut album Empty Sky, through which the theme of imprisonment runs. On April 11, 1990, Elton played this at the funeral for the 18-year-old AIDS victim Ryan White, whom he had befriended. Elton was one of the pallbearers.

Skyline pigeon means pombo (voando em direção) ao horizonte, in Portuguese. Since we have the verb to fly or to fly away in Imperative mood, we deduce the pigeon is quite tired and how important is to remind it to fly away in order to avoid to be caught again. A pigeon which is about to land somewhere is called a pombo rasante. So, it is an adaptation.


(1) BERNADIN, Claude. Rocket Man - The Encyclopedia of Elton John. Greenwood Press, 1995.
(2) NORMAN, Philip. Sir Elton - The Definite Biography. Caroll and Graph, 2001.
(3) DAVENPORT, Tom. Purple people: The heart of cognitive systems engineering. Deloitte Insights, 2015.
(4) AMORIM, Lauro Maia. Translation and adaptation: Differences, intercrossings and conflicts in Ana Maria Machado's Translation of Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol. UFSC - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.
(5) TOURY, G. Descriptive translation studies and beyond. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 1995.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
2 respostas
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This is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard. Thanks a lot!
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
You're welcome! :)