Slang "go postal"

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I thought I would go postal when I ended up standing in line for one hour, missing the last two innings of the game.

Pensei que me ia surtar quando acabei por ficar na fila durante uma hora, perdendo as duas últimas entradas do jogo.

She made me so mad I thought I would go postal.
Ela me deixou tão louca que eu pensei que iria perder o controle totalmente

Go postal = flip (surtar, perder a cabeça, "pirar", enlouquecer, "meter o louco", "chutar o balde", "pirar o cabeção", se descontrolar, "ficar pistola".

Chill out, guys! :-)

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Cf. Como dizer "perder as estribeiras" em inglês

Redseahorse, quanto à origem dessa expressão, podemos verificar no link abaixo.

Ref. historyextra

Depois de ler essa explicação, creio que a expressão "go postal" seja mais conhecida, compreendida e, consequentemente, usada nos EUA.
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Saberia nos informar sobre a origem desta gíria e, se ela é restrita aos USA?
6 50 1.3k
Yes, the origin is explained on the site Ginger:
Going Postal' means to become extremely angry, often to the point of rage and violence, especially when provoked in a workplace setting.
"Go Postal” significa ficar extremamente zangado, muitas vezes ao ponto da raiva e da violência, especialmente quando provocado no local de trabalho.

Ref. gingersoftware

The origin of the phrase derives from a series of incidents involving U.S. Postal workers, who shot and killed fellow workers and members of the public in 1986. The first recorded use was in an article by Karl Vick's 'Violence at work tied to loss of esteem', published on December 17th 1993 in the St. Petersburg Times: "The symposium was sponsored by the U.S. Postal Service, which has been so many outbursts that in some circles excessive stress is known as 'going postal'

Another way to express that would be "going on the rampage/going mad/going berserk/going balistic/going ape/having a cow", etc.

Referring to humans we may state that he "went postal", to animals "go ballistic" would be more natural, but if you want use the slang then enclose it in quotation marks:

Dog go "postal" on its own tail while it was trying to eat his dinner .

The expression didn't caught on the other side of the Pond (the U.K) but it made to the Cambridge Dictionary (and BBC), so students might know it, but it's not of much use at large. Though British travelers will know it when coming to America or reading it on People Magazine, etc...

Faça um teste de inglês e descubra seu nível em 10 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. Você ainda ganha o eBook sobre o Verbo Get em seu e-mail. INICIAR TESTE