Some of the most important Phrasal verbs

Be for = concordar/ ser a favor Ex: I'm not for the new management ( não sou a favor da nova gerência)

Be in charge of= ser responsável por Ex: She is in charge of the office ( Ela é reponsável pelo escritório)

Break into= invadir Ex: Burglars broke into my house last night ( Assaltantes invadiram minha casa ontem à noite)

Bring up= educar/criar uma criança Ex: She was brought up by her aunt ( Ela foi criada pela tia dela)

CAll off = cancelar Ex: The concert was called off due to the rain ( O show foi cancelado devido a chuva)

Come up with= produzir/ surgir com ideias, soluções, respostas... EX: She came up with a brilliant idea for the new campaign (Ela surgiu com uma brilhante ideia para a nova campanha)

Do without = Conseguir fazer apesar da falta de..Ex: I'm a very disorganized and I Can't do without a secretary ( Eu sou muito desorganizado e não consigo continuar sem uma secretária)

Drop by = Dar uma passada num lugar rapidamente Ex: Why don't you drop by at around five this afternoon? ( Por que vc não passa aqui essa tarde por volta das 5?)

Fall behind = Atrasar Ex: If I fall behind with the rent again, I'm going to be evicted ( Se eu atrasar com o aluguel de novo, eu vou ser despejada)

Fall down on = Falhar em fazer algo devidamente Ex: He fell down on his new job ( Ele falhou em seu novo emprego)

Feel like = ter vontade de fazer alguma coisa Ex: I feel like having some coffee ( Tô com vontade de tomar café)

Figure out= Entender/ compreender Ex: Even though I try I can't figure him out ( Embora eu tente eu não consigo entender ele)

Get along with = Se dar bem com alguém EX: I don't get along with my cousin. ( Eu não me dou bem com minha prima)

Get back = Retornar/ voltar Ex: I got back home late last night ( Eu voltei tarde pra casa ontem )

Get by = Se virar apesar das dificuldades Ex: I don't know how they can get by with so little money ( Não sei ocmo eles conseguem se virar com tão pouco dinheiro)

Get out = Sair Ex: Get out of here now! ( Saia daqui agora!)

Get over= Recuperar-se/ superar = She hasn't got over her illness yet ( Ela ainda não seo recuperou da doença) Get it over, boy! ( Supere isso, cara!)

Get rid of = Se livrar de Ex: I want to get rid of all his stuffs as soon as possible ( Eu quero me livrar de todas as coisas dele o mais rápido possivel)

Give up= Desistir Ex: I had to think a lot before deciding to give up/quit my job ( Eu tive que pensar muito antes de decidir largar meu emprego)

Hang on to = Segurar firme alguma coisa EX; Hang on to that rope ( Segure firme aquela corda)

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Jerry Dorien 4 48

Muito legal esses 2 tópicos, eu gosto muito de formar frases com essas expressões, aliás muitas delas eu não conhecia ainda, obrigado por compartilhar.

best wishes, CacauSweetLove.
Daniel.S 1 2 11
If you allow me dude,

the opposite of "I'm for" is "I'm against"

being in charge is different from being charged.

like if you kill someone you will problably be charged for the murder

you may say get over either overcome

a good preposition for keeping in mind when using the phrasal verb give up is "on"

I will never give up on you dude!

Hang one can also be used when telling someone to wait a minute, to wait something or someone to come like

Hang one (wait a minute) bro, I'm just gonna grab my wallet.

or even on the phone: Can you please hang on a sec?

Fall back on: means to count on someone or something/ put one's trust on someone

like: I will always fall back on my mother or It was good to have some money in the bank to fall back on when I lost my job

Take care,

Teacher Pondé
Anytime!! ^^
aproveitando o tópico....
qual a diferença entre get out e went out ?


sobre a diferença entre get out e went out, eu acho que é assim:
get out: como se fosse um pedido ou uma ordem, get out of here! (saia daqui!)
went out: pode ser usado em uma resposta:
-where is he? ( onde ele está? )
-he went out ( ele saiu daqui )
-why? ( por que? )
-you told him to get out ( você disse para ele sair )

então, went out é para dizer que alguem saiu ou nao está mais no local

Hope it helps.
Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
pondedaniel escreveu:If you allow me dude,

the opposite of "I'm for" is "I'm against"

being in charge is different from being charged.

like if you kill someone you will problably be charged for the murder

you may say get over either overcome

a good preposition for keeping in mind when using the phrasal verb give up is "on"

I will never give up on you dude!

Hang one can also be used when telling someone to wait a minute, to wait something or someone to come like

Hang one (wait a minute) bro, I'm just gonna grab my wallet.

or even on the phone: Can you please hang on a sec?

Fall back on: means to count on someone or something/ put one's trust on someone

like: I will always fall back on my mother or It was good to have some money in the bank to fall back on when I lost my job

Take care,

Teacher Pondé

Sorry teacher, but, would you please, post this phasal in portuguese too? I'm not quite connected yet... That way we can see the differences more clearly.
Thank you in advance