Sort of: Qual o Significado?

Olá, gente
Poderiam me ajudar a entender o "sort of" nessa frase?
And I’m trying to take a look at a couple of different states and really just, like, talk to folks in the pro-life movement in those places, and just sort of see where people’s heads are at right now— you know, what they’re thinking, what they’re talking about, what they’re doing.

Muito obrigada a todos.

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"sort of", "like" ou "you know" neste seu exemplo são categorizados como "filler words".

Na realidade, não tem importância direta para transmitir uma informação, mas apenas garantir um tempinho a mais para quem está falando poder pensar o que falar a seguir. Demonstra uma falta de segurança no discurso.

Podemos traduzir "sort of", neste caso, como "tipo assim".

Mas na oração a seguir, "sort of" já tem outro significado:
- More specifically, know what sort of things bother her.

- Mais especificamente, saiba que tipo de coisas a incomoda.
Oi, Ricardo.
Muito obrigada pela atenção.
Aqui está o texto original é do The New York Times.

14 years, I’ve been with Ohio Right to Life. And happy is one word, but in pure transparency, I was nervous. Because I said to myself we’ve been talking a lot lately about what a post-Roe Ohio or a post-Roe America would look like.

But now, we actually have to do it. And that’s a blessing— don’t get me wrong— but it also makes me nervous, because we’re in uncharted territory. There’s no book. There’s no manual written by someone in the ‘80s or the ‘90s or some legal scholar writing something on how to do this, that, or the other.

And it’s imperative upon us now to work even harder to make sure that we have social services and a safety net for women who find themselves burdened with a pregnancy. And the dynamics and the messaging and the strategy are completely changed now, and we’re going to have to rewrite the playbook.