Superlative of Alone

Hi there

I wrote a sentence in a book and I wasn't sure if it was right or even if it exists, please what is the superlative of the word "alone"? I wrote : "Day by day he felt more alone", but I tried to find the answer online and I couldn't, there was one website that mentioned it as correct, other said that "alone" doesn't have superlative so I got confused.

I'd appreciate your help



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"Day by day he felt more alone". You are using the comparative form with 'more'. The superlative form of 'alone' is 'the most alone'.

"Day by day he felt the most alone".

Superlative form: the most alone
Comparative form: more alone

Predicate adjectives (adjectives used to describe the subject of a sentence) form the comparative with more and most:
afraid, mute, certain, alone, silent, etc. ... djectives/
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
Thanks! I meant to write comparative...

Good to know it's real, thanks for your help
23 127 1.7k

Day by day he felt more and more alone.
Dia após dia, ele se sentia cada vez mais sozinho.

''Joan felt more and more alone, and more and more dissatisfied with herself and everybody about her. - "The Honour of the Clintons", Archibald Marshall.'' []