Como dizer "Nadar, nadar e morrer na praia" em inglês

Como dizer "Nadar, nadar e morrer na praia" em inglês
Como podemos dizer "Nadar, nadar e morrer na praia"? Quais as possíveis opções?

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23 127 1.7k
Para dizer nadar, nadar e morrer na praia em inglês, existem as seguintes opções. Confira este artigo e amplie o seu vocabulário no idioma.

1. Snatch defeat from the jaws of victory

A ship that has run aground may possibly get back off again, but if it hit during a storm it may get pounded to pieces. Any sort of undertaking can get shipwrecked (naufragar), and the unlucky who are shipwrecked may swim, swim, swim, and die on the beach (nadar, nadar, nadar e morrer na praia). This is said of someone who worked their fingers to the bone, almost succeeded, and as we say “snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory,” and frequently used of soccer teams (the archetypical example for Americans would be the Boston Red Sox). (Tom Moore)

Mais literalmente, "arrancar a derrota das presas / da boca da vitória". Você estava lá, perto de ganhar, a vitória era praticamente certa, mas por algum motivo não conseguiu. Nadou, nadou e morreu na praia.

2. Get close and blow it: (literalmente, chegar perto e pôr tudo a perder)
  • Your team does that all the time. They get close and blow it. They got an inferiority complex. [O seu time faz isso o tempo todo. Eles nadam, nadam e morrem na praia. Eles têm complexo de inferioridade.]
  • You always get close and blow it. [Você sempre nada, nada e morre na praia.]
3. Always get very close but don't succeed in the end
  • The problem with this team is that they always get very close but they don't succeed in the end. [O problema com este time é que eles sempre nadam, nadam e morrem na praia.]
  • He always gets very close, but doesn't succeed in the end. [Ele sempre nada, nada, mas morre na praia.]
4. Get close, very close and quit just before the end
  • You always get close, very close and quit just before the end. [Você sempre nada, nada e morre na praia.]
  • She always gets close, very close and quits just before the end. [Ela sempre nada, nada e morre na praia.]

Não é correto utilizar swim and die on the beach. Essa opção não faz sentido em inglês, no contexto apresentado.

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What goes around, comes around.
The freedomly, acho que a expressão que você citou significa aqui se faz; aqui se paga.
Andrerson Vieira escreveu:The freedomly, acho que a expressão que você citou significa aqui se faz; aqui se paga.
Yes it can be aswell, but depending on the context, i wonder it also can be both meanings.
2 23
I never heard that expression in Portuguese but I like it. Snatched defeat out of the jaws of victory would probably be seen more in writing than be heard in speech . It is very formal. Get close, but don't succeed in the end sounds good and is more general, If you add always then I see where quit comes into it. I don't think it has anything to do with what goes around comes around but, of course, this is the first time, I ever heard. It. I love learning these new expressions on here, Even though this site is to help Brazilians to learn English, It sure helps me in the reverse and is fun.
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Eu diria que "fall at the final hurdle" seja a melhor tradução.
23 127 1.7k
Oi, Portuguy.

A forma 'fall at the last hurdle' é uma das diversas maneiras de se traduzir 'nadar, nadar e morrer na praia'. É uma boa opção. No entanto, como ocorre em muitos casos, ela não se encaixa em todos os contextos em que usamos 'nadar, nadar e morrer na praia'.

Obrigado por comentar no post.
6 49 1.3k
Another way to convey this notion of "morrer na praia" would be expressed by "...just to lose in the end"

After the win over Germany, Pirlo told reporters that it’s not good enough for his side to come this far just to lose in the end.
(Pirlo a player of Juventus - speaking of a tournament, and of the game Juventus and an Italian team, he didn't want Juventus to lose at that point in the tournament)

There is also the "feeling of almost there" (I don't have a sentence for it right now) and the "too much work for nothing!"

There's no equivalent to the Portuguese sentence in all cases, even in Portuguese it may convey slightly different ideas.