Near x Nearby: Qual a diferença

Is there any difference between near and nearby?

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5 respostas
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

A. I live near the school. / Eu moro perto da escola. -->Não use "nearby" neste caso.
B. Do you work near here? /Você trabalha aqui perto? --> Pode-se usar "nearby" no lugar de "near here".

Ref. ldoceonline
Ref. ldoceonline
Thanks it helped a lot.
Thomas 7 62 297
I live near the school. / Eu moro perto da escola. = I live nearby.

Do you work near here? /Você trabalha aqui perto? = Do you work nearby?

I live near the school which is in Montreal. = The school is in Montreal, and I live nearby.

I live near the factory on the hill. = There is a factory on the hill, and I live nearby.

You mentioned the church on the corner of First Street and Central Avenue. Do you live near it? = You mentioned the church on the corner of First Street and Central Avenue. Do you live nearby?

As you can see, "nearby" takes the place of "near + location".
Can nearby precede a noun?
Yes, nearby usually comes before a noun.
"Her mother lives in a nearby town."