Como dizer "ENEM" em inglês

Como se fala ENEM em inglês?

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Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Wikipedia diz:

ENEM (Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio, which can be translated as High School National Exam) is a non-mandatory Brazilian national exam, which evaluates high school education in Brazil. Students' grades are used to generate their schools' scores, so that the Ministry of Education of Brazil knows which are the best and worst schools in the country.

The Chronicle on Higher Education diz:
But the reputation of the National High School Examination, known by its Portuguese language acronym Enem, was marred last year by a scandal involving a stolen copy of the exam, and the incident made a few university administrators wary of adopting it.
O ENEM dos Estados Unidos é o famoso SAT onde funciona de forma um pouco parecida com o nosso ENEM.
Thomas 7 62 297
SAT = Scholastic Achievement Test.
timphillips 11
UK education system
gcse exams general certificate of secondary education examinations
(antigamente "O" levels and "A" levels O= ordinary A - advanced)
Pessoas, ontem, assisti uma matéria na TV sobre Sistemas de Ensino e a repórter mencionou que o SAT seria o nosso ENEM. Parabéns Claudemircloud!