Como dizer "botar lenha na fogueira" em inglês

Flavia.lm 1 10 100
Botar lenha na fogueira:
- tornar a situação pior
- estimular uma briga

In English:

fan the flames
to make a dangerous or unpleasant mood or situation worse
His speeches fanned the flames of racial tension.

add fuel to the fire/flames
to make an argument or bad situation worse
The discovery that the government was aware of the cover-up has really added fuel to the fire.

(Cambridge Dictionary)

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5 respostas
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Daniel.S 1 2 11

tem outra que gosto bastante: feed the fire
Thomas 7 62 297
to rub salt into the wound

A: I heard your team lost today. They tell me the team was terrible, that they played awful.
B: Don't rub salt into the wound. I lost 50 dollars on the game, and I don't need to be reminded!

A: You were crazy about Liliana. She was so pretty and smart. Too bad you two broke up. I heard today she is engaged to a nice young man, and her father has given him a great job in the family business.
B: You had to tell me this? Don't rub salt in the wound, Mom. I miss her so much!
Daniel.S 1 2 11
isso me parece meio como colocar o dedo na ferida
Adriano Japan 1 2 21
stoke - to add fuel to a fire、to make a feeling stronger

I didn't want to stoke her anger further.
Add insult to injury
Pour oil on troubled water
Make matters worse
Fan the flames
Twist the knife