Exercício: A Few x A Little - inglês

Exercício: A Few x A Little - inglês
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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Preencham os espaços em branco utilizando "a few" ou "a little" corretamente.

A. There is_ time for us to watch the movies that we rented yesterday.
B. How many chairs are there in the room? I don't know. There are_.
C. I think there's_soda left in the fridge.
D. They believe they have_money to help her.
E. He is_tired today but he is going to talk to you.
F. I have_friends at work but we don't talk much.
G. It is going to take_time for me to think things over.
H. We still have_water. Don't worry!
I. Can I use_wine? Yes, of course!
Bons estudos.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina vários macetes para você nunca mais se confundir na hora de dizer as horas em inglês. ACESSAR AULA
5 respostas
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a. There is a little time for us to watch the movies that we rented yesterday.
b. How many chairs are there in the room? I don't know. There are a few.
c. I think there's a little soda left in the fridge.
d. They believe they have a little money to help her.
e. He is a little tired today but he is going to talk to you.
f. I have a few friends at work but we don't talk much.
g. It is going to take a little time for me to think things over.
h. We still have a little water. Don't worry!
i. Can I use a little wine? Yes, of course!
My answers are:

a- There is a little time for us to watch the movies that we rented yesterday.
b- How many chairs are there in the room? I don't know. There are a few.
c- I think there's a little soda left in the fridge.
d- They believe they have a little money to help her.
e- He is a little tired today but he is going to talk to you.
f- I have a few friends at work but we don't talk much.
g- It is going to take a little time for me to think things over.
h- We still have a little water. Don't worry!
i- Can I use a little wine? Yes, of course!
a. There is a little time for us to watch the movies that we rented yesterday.
b. How many chairs are there in the room? I don't know. There are a few.
c. I think there's a little soda left in the fridge.
d. They believe they have a little money to help her.
e. He is a little tired today but he is going to talk to you.
f. I have a few friends at work but we don't talk much.
g. It is going to take a little time for me to think things over.
h. We still have a little water. Don't worry!
i. Can I use a little wine? Yes, of course!
Acertei 09 questões. A única que não acertei foi a:

E - He is a little tired today but he is going to talk to you.

Havia colocado "a few". O certo é "a little" por estar no singular. Mas daí fui pesquisar uma frase similar, porém no plural e também se utiliza "a little". Por que?

They are a little tired.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
E. He is a little tired today but he is going to talk to you.
A little deve ser usado por que se trata de um adjetivo (tired). Nesse caso, não é singular nem plural, mas adjetivo. Antes de adjetivos, para dizer um pouco, a little é uma opção adequada.

A little happy. [Um pouco feliz.]
A little worried. [Um pouco preocupado.]
A little tired. [Um pouco cansado.]

Bons estudos.