Exercício: Tradução Texto Português / Inglês para Iniciantes

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Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Traduzam o texto a seguir para o inglês / Translate into English

Hoje eu levantei cedo, escovei os dentes, me vesti, tomei café da manhã, falei com meus pais e fui para o trabalho. Eu trabalhei muito e almocei às 11:45. De tarde, eu telefonei para um amigo e disse a ele para ir até minha casa semana que vem. Agora, eu estou comendo pão com manteiga e tomando suco. Hoje à noite, eu vou assistir um jogo de futebol na TV com meus amigos da faculdade. Hoje eu não tive problemas mas não tive muitas coisas para fazer. Amanhã, eu vou ter muitas coisas para fazer, mas eu não vou cometer erros porque eu vou prestar atenção nas coisas.
Bons estudos.
Nesta aula, a professora Camila Oliveira ensina como você deve se preparar para fazer uma apresentação pessoal profissional em inglês. O conteúdo dessa aula ajudará você a aproveitar melhor as oportunidades no ambiente corporativo. ACESSAR AULA
28 respostas
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"I woke up early today, brushed my theeth, dressed, have breakfast, spoke with my parents and went to work. I worked a lot and have a lunch at 11:45. At afternoon, I call for a friend and told him to go to my house next week.
Now, I'm eating bread and butter and drinking juice. Tonight, I will watch a football game on TV with college friends. Today I didn't have problems but didn't have many things to do. Tomorrow, I will have a lot of things to do, but I will not make mistakes because I will pay attention."

I'm not sure about the word:
Pão com manteiga = Bread and butter?
felipeh6 7 58
Today I woke up early in the morning, brushed my teeths, get dressed, had my breakfast, talked to my parents and then I left to work. I worked very hard and had lunch at 11:45 am. In the afternoon, I called a friend of mine and told him to visit me at home during next week. Now, I'm eating bread and butter and drinking some juice. Tonight, my university friends and I are going to watch a soccer match on TV. Today I didn't face any troubles, but I didn't have so much to do. Tomorrow, I'm going to have a lot of things to do and I will not do any mistake, because I will pay extra attention.
Esse será meu primeiro tópico, embora já acompanhe o site faz algum tempo, minha tradução:
Today I woke up early, brushed my teeth, dress me, have my breakfast, talked to my parents and went to work. I worked much and had lunch at 11:45. On afternoon, I called to a friend and say to him to be going in my house in next week. Now, I’m eating bread with butter and drinking juice. Today at night, I will watch a football on TV with my friends of college. Tomorrow, I will have many things to do, but I will have no mistakes because I will pay attention on things.
Estou começando no inglês, sei que está bem ruim, mas agradeço muito se avisarem onde estão meus piore erros!
Por quê "talked" e não "I spoke"?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Pode ser "talked to", "talked with", "spoke to" ou "spoke with", no trecho do texto acima. As 4 formas estão corretas.

Bons estudos.
Domine todos os sons do inglês com o nosso novo curso de pronúncia. O professor Adir Ferreira, referência no ensino de pronúncia, criou este curso especialmente para o English Experts. INICIAR AGORA
Não entendi por quê traduziu com "Got" ao invés de ser mais direto como por exemplo: "dress me", "got dressed". A primeira forma estaria errada?
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
A expressão "got dressed" vem de "get dressed", que significa "vestir-se". A opção "dress me" não é correta.
Obrigada Donay =)
alexandre.santos 2 4 41
Hie, Donay!

I have a question! Is it possible to use:
going to/ future with ing/ shall, to speak about the future in this sentences?
Tomorrow, I'll have many things to do, but I won't make mistakes because I'll pay attention to things.

As yourself posted in this link:
https://www.englishexperts.com.br/futur ... hadamente/

Thank you in advance !
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

A forma mais natural de se expressar a ideia de futuro, neste caso do texto, é, na minha opinião, usando "will". "Going to" seria a segunda opção possível. Porém, "shall" e "ing" (indicando futuro) são opções que eu realmente não recomendo.

Bons estudos. Compartilhe.
Domine todos os sons do inglês com o nosso novo curso de pronúncia. O professor Adir Ferreira, referência no ensino de pronúncia, criou este curso especialmente para o English Experts. INICIAR AGORA
Bruno Leonardo escreveu:Por quê "talked" e não "I spoke"?
Acredito que exista uma diferença sutil entre speak and talk no texto.

Seu pai diz: I need to speak to you. (O assunto é sério, provavelmente uma bronca)
I need to talk to you. (com certeza o assunto é mais leve, não precisa se preocupar)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Não concordo. Essa diferença - de grau de seriedade de conversa - entre "talk" e "speak", não existe.

Professor Donay, esta informação está disponível em : http://dictionary.cambridge.org/pt/gram ... ak-or-talk

Aproveito também para destacar que existe diferença entre talk/speak with e talk/speak to

Quando usamos a preposição TO o sentido é de que apenas uma pessoa irá falar, a outra irá somente ouvir.

"The president spoke to the angry crowd hoping to pacify them" só o presidente falou.

Com a preposição WITH existirá uma troca de informação em ambos os sentidos, ambos falam e escutam.

"The President spoke today with Prime Minister Sushil Koirala of Nepal" os dois falaram.

Está informação está no livro: English Prepositions Explained (Seth Lindstromberg)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Trata-se de uma abordagem, que não se confirma como regra geral, principalmente em relação às preposições "to" e "with". As explicações dadas são tendências, mas não se aplicam em 100% dos casos, e, para mim, as exceções acabam por tornar estas ''tendências'' quase irrelevantes. O que recomendo é analisar, aos poucos, e ir se acostumando com as formas mais naturais.

Do Wordreference:
Speak to / with Vs talk to / with

All four of these can be used, and there's not a great difference between them in most cases. However, if speaking to a group, one would use 'to'--'with' suggests that the person(s) are conversing, not just listening. If you have a specific sentence, post it for further comment.
Do Englishforums.com:
I wouldn't consider this really a grammar question, but more of a question of usage.
That aside, "speak" and "talk" are often interchangeable, that's true.
É isso!
alexandre.santos 2 4 41
Howdy, Donay !

Thank you very much! You helped me a lot !

So long !
Domine todos os sons do inglês com o nosso novo curso de pronúncia. O professor Adir Ferreira, referência no ensino de pronúncia, criou este curso especialmente para o English Experts. INICIAR AGORA
Today I woke up early, brush my teeth, got dressed, had breakfast, talked with my parents and went to work. I worked a lot and I had lunch at 11:45. In the afternoon, I call a friend and told him to go my home next week. Now, I am eating bread and butter and drinking juice. Today at night, I am going to watch a soccer game on TV with my college friends. Today I didn't have problems but I didn't have many things to do. Tomorrow, I will have many things to do, but I won't make mistakes because I will pay attention to things.
Here goes my version:

Today I got up early, brushed my teeth, got dressed, had breakfast, talked to my parents and went to work. I worked a lot and I had lunch at 11:45 am. In the afternoon, I call my friend up and I told him to come to my house next week. Now I am eating bread and butter and drinking juice. Tonight, I am going to watch a football match with my college friends. Today, I didn't have problems but I didn't have a lot of things to do. Tomorrow, I will have a lot of things to do, but I won't make mistakes because I will pay attention at things.
Today I got up early, brushed my teeth, got dressed, had breakfast, talked with my parents and went to work. I worked a lot and had lunch at 11:45. Of late, I called a friend and told him to go to my house next week. Now, I'm eating bread with butter and drinking juice. Tonight, I'm going to watch a football game on TV with my college friends. Today I had no problems but I had lots to do. Tomorrow, I'll have lots to do, but I will not make mistakes because I will pay attention to things.
Donay Mendonça escreveu:Pessoal,

Traduzam o texto a seguir para o inglês / Translate into English

Hoje eu levantei cedo, escovei os dentes, me vesti, tomei café da manhã, falei com meus pais e fui para o trabalho. Eu trabalhei muito e almocei às 11:45. De tarde, eu telefonei para um amigo e disse a ele para ir até minha casa semana que vem. Agora, eu estou comendo pão com manteiga e tomando suco. Hoje à noite, eu vou assistir um jogo de futebol na TV com meus amigos da faculdade. Hoje eu não tive problemas mas não tive muitas coisas para fazer. Amanhã, eu vou ter muitas coisas para fazer, mas eu não vou cometer erros porque eu vou prestar atenção nas coisas.

Today I got up early, I brushed my teeth, I dressed, I had breakfast, I talked with my parents and I went to the job. I worked a lot and lunched around to 11:45. In afternoon, I called to a friend and I said him go to my house next week. Now, I'm eat bread with butter and I'm drinking milk. Tonight, I go watch a soccer match on TV with my friends of college. Today I don't have problem but have not so many things to do. Tomorrow, I have so many things to do, but I don't make mistakes because I gonna pay attention in things.

Bons estudos!
Meus amigos me tirem umas dúvidas nas frases abaixo, por favor:

1- "Today, I didn't have problems but I didn't have many things* to do."

*Many things – Me parece correto, pois a frase está na negativa. OK.

2- Tomorrow, I'll have many things** to do, but I won't make mistakes because I'll pay attention to things.

**A lot of/Lots of things – Não seria o correto, pois a frase é afirmativa?
Domine todos os sons do inglês com o nosso novo curso de pronúncia. O professor Adir Ferreira, referência no ensino de pronúncia, criou este curso especialmente para o English Experts. INICIAR AGORA
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k

Essa é uma tendência, mas não é uma regra - pelo menos ainda não. O quantifier many pode ser usado na afirmativa sem problemas. Observe a seguir exemplos.

She worked hard for many years. [Merriam-webster]
Many people feel that the law should be changed. [Oxford]

Bons estudos.
Donay Mendonça escreveu:Pessoal,

Aqui está a tradução do texto.

HAD breakfast. HAD lunch at 11:45.
Não consigo entender como colocar "have e had" em frases, da forma que você usou. Algumas frases, falantes nativos falaram, não consegui compreender a função do have, já que ignorá-lo era a "mesma" coisa que não tê-lo na frase, para mim. O "had" , porque você o usou invés de outros verbos?

E "told him to go to", não entendi essa 'expressão' na frase. Principalmente o "told" e o him"; a estrutura em si.
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Today, I got up early, brushed my teeth, got dressed, had breakfast, talked to my parents and went to work. I worked a lot and had lunch at 11:45. In the afternoon, I called a friend and told him to go to my house next week. Now, I'm eating bread and butter and drinking juice. Tonight, I'll watch a soccer game on TV with my friends from college. Today, I didn't have problems but I didn't have many things to do. Tomorrow, I'll have many things to do, but I won't make mistakes because I'll pay attention to things.
No texto acima, "had" é o passado simples de "have" (ter). No caso de "had breakfast" e "had lunch", trata-se das formas no passado de "have breakfast" e "have lunch", que são expressões equivalentes respectivamente a "tomar café da manhã" e "almoçar".

Nas frases acima, "I didn't have problems" e "I didn't have many things to do", trata-se da forma negativa no passado simples, feita com "didn't" onde o "have" não sofre alteração devido ao "didn't".

Posts recomendados (que podem esclarecer o assunto):

Past Simple: O Guia Definitivo
Verbos Auxiliares em inglês: quais são e exemplos de uso
E "told him to go to", não entendi essa 'expressão' na frase. Principalmente o "told" e o him"; a estrutura em si.
O passado de "tell" (dizer, contar, mandar/dizer para alguém fazer alguma coisa) é "told". Com isso, "told him to go to" significa "disse para ele ir", "mandou ele ir".

Tell somebody to do something: mandar alguém fazer alguma coisa, dizer para alguém fazer alguma coisa.

Tell her to stay. [Mande ela ficar.]
I told you to wait. [Eu disse para você esperar.]

Os pronomes a serem usados são os objeto: me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them.

Bons estudos.
Hi, guys! This is my very first post here even I'm subscribed here since a long ago.

I've started at English at least one month ago and I really really need to practice. This is the text that I've tried to translate:

"Today I woke up early, brushed my teeth, got dressed, had breakfast, spoke with my parents and went to work. I worked a lot and take a launch at 11:45 am. In the noon, I called to a friend and said to him to go at my house next week. Now I'm eating bread and butter and drinking orange juice. Tonight, I'll go see a football game on the tv with my college friends. Today I've got no problem but I had many things to do. Tomorrow, I'm going to have many things to do, but I'll not get mistakes because I'll pay attention to the things."
Today I got up early,brushed my teeth, dressed me, had breakfast, spoke to my parents and then I went to work. I worked a lot and had lunch at 11;45 a.m. On afternoon, I called a friend of mine and told him to go over my house next week. Right now I'm eating bread with butter and drinking some juice. Tonight, I'm having a soccer match on TV and I'll watch it with my university friends.Today, I didn't have any problem but I didn't have a lot of things to do. Tomorrow, I'm gonna have many things to do, but I won't do any mistake because I will pay attention about everything.
Domine todos os sons do inglês com o nosso novo curso de pronúncia. O professor Adir Ferreira, referência no ensino de pronúncia, criou este curso especialmente para o English Experts. INICIAR AGORA
I know my answer is wrong, I could correct it before post, but I prefer to be honest...so...there we go: Today, I Woke up early, I brushed my teeth, I wear me, had my breakfast, I talked to my parents and went to work. I worked very much and lunched at 11:45. At the afternoon, I phoned for a friend and I said him to go to my home next week. Now, im eating bread with butter and drinking juice. Today at night im going to watch a football match on tv with my friend from university. Today I have no problems but I have few things to do. Tomorrow, I will have a lot things to do, but I don’t make mistakes because I will to pay worth in the things
Today I got up early, brushed my teeth, got changed, ate breakfast, talked to my parents and went to work. I worked a lot and had lunch at 11:45. In the afternoon, I called my friend and told him to go to my house next week. Now, I`m eating bread and butter and drinking juice. Tonight, I`m gonna watch a football/soccer game on TV with my friends from college. Today I hadn`t problems, but I hadn`t things to do. Tomorrow I`m gonna have a lot of things to do, but I`m not gonna make mistakes because I`m gonna pay attention to stuff.
Hoje eu não tive problemas mas não tive muitas coisas para fazer. Amanhã, eu vou ter muitas coisas para fazer, mas eu não vou cometer erros porque eu vou prestar atenção nas coisas.
Today I get up, brush my teeths, got dressed, had my breakfast, talk to my mother and father, and go to work. I worked hard and had lunch at 11:45. At evening, I called a friend and said him to my home next week. Now, I´m eating bread with butter and drinking juice. Tonight I´ll watch a soccer play on TV with my friends of college. Today I hadn´t problems, but don´t had much things to do. Tomorrow I´ll have much things to do, but I will not made mistakes, because l´ll pay attention to things.