Out There - Tradução em português


Tenho me deparado muitas vezes com a palavra "out there", em diferentes contextos, ja sei que nao posso traduzi-la ao pe-da-letra, porque de fato ela e utilizada em diferentes contextos, no qual a traducao nao faria sentido at all.

Anyway, could you guys help me out with the correct definitions for that?

Been seeking this out over the Internet, have found out some cool stuff, neither of them have been convincing me, though.
Ref. linguee

I even discovered that this could be an adjective, ain't that great!
Ref. macmillandictionary

Perhaps a few more words from you may enlighten the subject to me, hopefully.

Waiting for your feedback! Have a blessed day.


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4 respostas
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Telma Regina 9 65 608
"Out there" - 'aí' ou "aí fora'; 'lá' ou 'lá fora'.

"Who's out there?'
"Out there somewhere"
"Is there anybody out there" (Pink Floyd)

Quais contextos diferentes você sugere?
Neither of 'em, nevertheless I might be wrong.

Some instances:
Pretty hard to predict, but there will be something out there.

“There were so many red tags out there it was unbelievable.”
Ref. nytimes

But why another book about time management amidst so many already out there?

I’m happily married and out there with a regular job and taking care of my responsibilities.
Ref. thewaytohappiness

Ya dig?

Thanks for your attention.
Alessandro 3 13 98
Toda vez que eu ouço o "out there" eu me lembro do discurso de posse do presidente Obama. Ele começa com a seguinte sentença:
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible...
No inglês, o out there é muito usado no sentido mais poético (se é que eu posso dizer assim). Algo como "fazemos o certo mas muita gente por aí (out there) não faz." O out there é muito usado para se referir a pessoas ou grupo de pessoas com ideias contrárias ou com comportamento duvidoso. Vale a pena incluir no seu flashcard.

I hope that helps!
"Out there" também pode significar algo estranho, esquisito, fora do esquadro, excêntrico: John always comes up with some out-there ideas on how to make money easily. His behavior is kind of out there, that's why he doesn't get a good job.