Como dizer "Assunto X será detalhado na secção N" em inglês

Hey buddies,

how can I say "O assunto X será detalhado/ especificado na secção N"?

I thought in "The subject X will be described in section N", but there must be better options to say this.

Thanks :)

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3 respostas
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Marcio_Farias 1 24 214

"The subject will be detailed..."

(Você pode utilizar "detalhado" sem medo!)
Winnie 2 20
X will be described in section N.
Let's say X = The refund policy

The refund policy will be described/ detailed/ explained in section N.
I think that " the subject X will be broken down in the section N!

Because the Phrasal Verb : To break down= detalhar, partir em pedaços menores!

What do you think ?
