Como dizer "Já chega disso (Já falou demais)" em inglês

Como dizer já chega disso, no sentido de já ter falado muito sobre algo que já encheu o saco.

Ex: Ah chega de Novela ( já falou demais sobre novela não precisa mais ) agora vamos falar de futebol que é mais interessante.

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"All right, enough with that soap opera!" Let's tackle soccer instead.
Você pode usar "Have had enough"
Ex: That's it! I'm leaving. I've had enough of your offensive remarks.

Have had enough, to: Used to say that you don't want to experience any more of something because it's annoying or boring.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Could be stated in a lot of ways. One example:

Let´s talk about soccer for a change, we all have had enough of soap operas!
Valeu pessoal. Mais gostaria de saber se essa expressão "Have had enough, to:" é do inglês americano? Porque eu estava misturando a minha cabeça com palavras e expressões do inglês americano e britânico. E a minha intensão é aprender o Americano. Desde já muito obrigado :)
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Sim, a expressão "I've had enough (of)..." é utilizada em American English.

I've had enough of their foolishness. [Merriam-Webster]
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
jorgeluiz 1 6 92
Cut it out !

Cheers !
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
1. Enough! You've talked too much!
>> Chega! Você falou demais! [exagerou e revelou um segredo].

2. You've talked enough!
You've said enough!
>> Já disse tudo!
>> Falou o suficiente!

3. You've babbled enough!
>> Já falou o suficiente! [no sentido de enrolar alguém].

4. I've heard enough!
>> Já ouvi o bastante!

Just for curiosity, take a look on the verbs which are related of talking continuously and too much:

To chunter (BrE) [informal]
Meaning: to talk for a long time about something that other people do not find interesting.

To keep on [informal]
Meaning: to continue talking about something in a way that sometimes annoys people.

To go on
Meaning: to talk so much that people become bored or annoyed

To hold forth
Meaning: to talk for a long time about something that is important to you, often in a way that other people think is boring.

To chatter
Meaning: to talk continuously in a fast informal way, usually about unimportant subjects.

To drone on
Meaning; to talk about something for a long time in a very boring way.

To babble
Meaning: to talk for a long time about things that are not interesting or important.

To discourse on / upon
Meaning: to talk for a long time about a particular subject.

To ramble on
Meaning: to talk or write about something for a long time in a way that is boring, annoying, or confusing.

To be /go on about
Meaning; to keep talking about someone or something, especially when other people think it is boring.