Song Trevo (Tu)

Hi guys!

So, I translated this song "trevo (tu)"and I would like to know if it is correct?

You, is four leaf clover
It's the sunday morning to wander
A rare and good talking
A piece of dream that makes me wish wake to the life

Oh oh oh

You, that have this house hug
If decide to beat wings
Take me with you for a ride
I swear there aren`t affection and peace missing

Oh oh oh

Oh. I just want the light of life for take you
And the time stops, oh
Is the luck to take the time for a ride
Here and there, there and here
When here you are ... -iorc.html (original lyrics)

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1 resposta
Telma Regina 9 65 608
My suggestions:

You, are a four leaf clover
It's a lazy sunday morning
A rare and good talking
A piece of dream that makes me wish waking up to life

Oh oh oh

You, who have this house hug
If you decide to beat your wings
Take me with you for a ride
I swear you won't miss affection and peace
Oh oh oh

Oh. I want to take you only the lightness of life
And the time stops, oh
It's the luck to take the time for a ride
Here and there, there and here
When here you are