Filibuster - Tradução em português

jlmmelo 14 107
FILIBUSTER (U.S.) Verbo. Impedir, obstruir a pauta, votação, etc. Subst. Um membro da legislatura que impede, obstrui, etc., fazendo longos discursos.
  • Exemplos:

    1. Democrats Can Filibuster Neil Gorsuch’s Vote. Will Republicans Trigger the ‘Nuclear Option?’
    . . .
    Senate Republicans have signaled that they're prepared to trigger the so-called nuclear option, which would change Senate rules and allow them to confirm Gorsuch without garnering the 60 votes needed to overcome a filibuster. Coons said going nuclear would “be tragic.” - 03/04/2017

    2. ... Many Americans are familiar with the filibuster conducted by Jimmy Stewart, playing Senator Jefferson Smith in Frank Capra's film Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, but there have been some famous filibusters in the real-life Senate as well. ...
    U.S. Senate Filibuster and Clouture
    Filibuster /ˈfɪlɪˌbʌstə/

    1. U.S. Politics.
    a. The use of irregular or obstructive tactics by a member of a legislative assembly to prevent the adoption of a measure generally favored or to force a decision against the will of the majority.
    b. An exceptionally long speech, as one lasting for a day or days, or a series of such speeches to accomplish this purpose.
    c. A member of a legislature who makes such a speech.

    verb (used without object)
    3. U.S. Politics. To impede legislation by irregular or obstructive tactics, especially by making long speeches.

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1 resposta
I would translate as "obstrução". Though the Brasilian Senate describes "obstrução" as a different technique, it's done with the same goal, and I still think it would be the closer translation:

** quote **
Obstrução = Recurso usado para evitar a votação de determinada matéria. É anunciada pelo líder do partido ou do bloco, fazendo com que os parlamentares liderados se retirem do Plenário. Apenas o líder do partido ou do bloco em obstrução permanece em Plenário.
** unquote **
Source: ... /obstrucao

Obs.: aprendi essa palavra "filibuster" recentemente, assistindo à 5ª temporada da série Scandal rs