Como dizer "Pegar (muda, planta)" em inglês

Daniel Reis 2 16
Olá pessoal,

Mais um tópico no qual eu me recordo de já ter visto aqui no forum porém não consegui achá-lo, se por acaso alguém encontrá-lo, poste aqui abaixo:

Enfim, vejam as frases abaixo:

Quanto tempo essa muda demora para pegar?
Este tipo de grama leva 1 semana para pegar e precisa estar sempre exposta ao sol.

Como dizer "Pegar(muda, planta)" em inglês?


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3 respostas
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Zumstein 1 31 435
To take - Pegar (planta)
To work or perform as expected.
These new plants haven't taken - they don't like this dry soil. (Cambridge)
- Estas mudas novas não pegaram...

O tópico é este: Como dizer "vingar" em inglês
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I think that the question "when the grass will be ready to use?" would do. In some arenas/stadiums and with some kinds of turfgrass they can affor wait for a year to the grass mature. In other cases they will be faster, and if the stadium is to be used soon, then they would resort to the artificial turf.

Of course, with sport stadiums, they have deck tiles ready to use, that's why I thought of the "ready to use" question. It would also be implicit that it gets some time to "adjust" (watering, growing, etc).
That is, the time to "harden" to get used to the harsher environment. But the question would encompass that detail as well.
Ref. amazon
To take root
The new plants should take root in a few weeks and start growing.