Música: Černý Anděl

Será que alguém pode me ajudar na tradução da música Černý Anděl? Algumas partes eu entendi, outras eu tentei traduzir, mas, mesmo assim, não entendi.


Above you, I have keep guard
You miss my strength now
Your angel has also his desire
At least for a while stay out
On one day to undress white coat

Desire burns me, the wind blew
Passion is drugging me and snow melted
Heat undresses us, God had shiver.
The devil was the one who promised Grail

Queue to dreams was a long as snake
He whispered to me: "cross the threshold"
I know, he wanted fool me, promise was just prate
Your Angel had touched bottom
He blew out Candle , wandering in the darkness

Algumas frases eu entendi, mas coloquei tudo pra não ficar sem sentido, por isso que ficou grande.
Thx ;)

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1 resposta
Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Good afternoon, my friend.

Černý anděl ("Black angel") is really a wonderful Czech song.
Gabriela Gunčíková deserves my admiration.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLb-Hru ... r1sarunc3i

Above you, I have to keep guard = Acima de ti, tenho que manter vigília
You miss my strength now = Tu sentes falta da minha força agora.
Your angel has also inner wishes = Teu anjo também tem desejos ocultos
At least for a while stay out = Pelo menos para se ausentar um pouco
For one day, undress the white coat = Por um dia, despe-o do casaco branco.

Desire is burning me, the wind was blowing = O anseio está me queimando, o vento estava soprando
Passion is tempting me and the snow was melting = A paixão está me provocando e a neve estava derretendo
Heat undresses us, God had shiver = O calor nos despe, Deus teve calafrios
The devil was the one who promised the Grail = O demônio foi aquele que prometeu o Graal.

Crowd to dreams was running like a snake = Amontoado em sonho estava correndo como uma serpente
He whispered to me: "Step over the threshold" = Ele sussurrou para mim: "Passe por cima da soleira"
I know he wanted to fool me, the promise was just a waste = Eu sei que ele queria me enganar, a promessa foi apenas um desperdício
Your angel had touched the bottom = Seu anjo havia alcançado o ponto mais baixo
He blew out the candle, wandering in the darkness = Ele assoprou a vela, vagando pelas trevas.

I hope I have helped.

So long,
