You headed behind me - Tradução em português

Hello, guys.

In the dialogue:

"John: I'm so fed up with the airlines...

Mark: What's new? Flights delayed, crowded airports, not to mention luggage when lost...

John: You know, I haven't had a single good experience flying domestically in probably about a year or so...

Mark: Oh, man, you headed behind me. To me it's getting worse and worse and worse."

So, in Portuguese, what's the context for the translation of you headed behind me?

I think it would be like, "well, join the club" or "I'm having a more hard time than you in this case."


Many thanx in advance!

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2 respostas
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Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
Good evening,

I believe the context is related to:

(To) head behind someone
(1) To arrive or come late compared to someone.
(2) To realize something late.

John: I'm so fed up with the airlines...
(Estou cheio das companhias áreas...)

Mark: What's new? Flights delayed, crowded airports, not to mention luggage when lost...
1. (E o que há de novo? Voos em atraso, aeroportos lotados, sem mencionar as malas quando perdidas...)
2. (Quais são as novidades? Voos adiados, aeroportos tumultuados, sem deixar de lado a bagagem quando extraviada...)

John: You know, I haven't had a single good experience flying domestically in probably about a year or so...
(Sabe, eu não tive sequer uma boa experiência voando domesticamente em menos de um ano ou talvez mais...)

Mark: Oh, man, you headed behind me. To me It's getting worse and worse and worse.
1. (Ah, cara! Você tá logo atrás de mim. Para mim, (isso) (só) está piorando cada vez mais).
2. (Poxa, meu, você percebeu isso só agora?. Eu vejo que (isso) está de mal a pior).
3. (Xi, camarada, você só se tocou agora?). Na minha opinião, (isso) está apenas piorando (e muito)).

I hope I've helped.

So long,

Ricardo, it helped a great deal! Very kind of you to translate the whole dialogue. And the options for "You headed behind me." are indeed within a context. Thanx again! Much appreciated. :-)