Contas inativas - Tradução em português

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A Polícia Federal desarticulou hoje um esquema criminoso que visava realizar saques fraudulentos em contas inativas do FGTS.

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A Polícia Federal desarticulou hoje um esquema criminoso que visava realizar saques fraudulentos em contas inativas do FGTS.

>> The Federal Police (of Brazil) has routed today a criminal scheme aimed at making fraudulent withdrawals from inactive FGTS accounts.

>> The Federal Police (of Brazil) has just dismantled a criminal scheme which goal was to make FGTS inactive accounts fraudulent withdrawals.

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(1) como-dizer-fgts-em-ingles-t12452.html
(2) como-dizer-desbaratar-desarticular-uma- ... 38176.html
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6 49 1.3k
Innactive accounts. ... -benefits/
An account is inactive when it ceases to receive deposits from the company due to termination or termination of employment contract . The worker must be away from this job at least from the end of 2015. The worker, however, can not withdraw the FGTS money from an active account, that is, that he still receives deposits by the current employer.
6 49 1.3k
Haste made waste, indeed it was "inactive" the intended word.