The world’s last known male of the northern. - Tradução em português

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"The world’s last known male of the northern white rhino subspecies is getting worse due to his age of 45, which in human terms means that he is 100 years old."

Texto completo.

"The world’s last known male of the northern white rhino subspecies is getting worse due to his age of 45, which in human terms means that he is 100 years old.

The CEO of Ol Pejeta Conservancy said all they can do for Sudan the rhino is make life as easy for him as possible. Sudan lives at the conservancy in Kenya with two female white rhinos who are also the last of their kind. Scientists hope to save the rhino subspecies by using southern white rhinos as surrogates to carry northern white rhino embryos and give birth."

Difficult words: subspecies (a specific type of a species – animal kind), due to (because of), conservancy (an organisation which tries to help animals), embryo (a developing baby).

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2 respostas
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Ricardo F. Bernardi 6 26 454
The world’s last known male of the northern white rhino subspecies is getting worse due to his age of 45, which in human terms means that he is 100 years old.
>> A última subespécie de um rinoceronte-branco do Norte conhecida está piorando devido aos seus 45 anos, que em parâmetros humanos significa já ter cem anos de idade.

The CEO of Ol Pejeta Conservancy said all they can do for Sudan, the rhino, is make life as easy for him as possible. Sudan lives at the conservancy in Kenya with two female white rhinos who are also the last of their kind. Scientists hope to save the rhino subspecies by using southern white rhinos as surrogates to carry northern white rhino embryos and give birth.
>> O CEO / presidente do Ol Pejeta Conservancy disse que tudo o que eles podem fazer pelo rinoceronte chamado Sudan é tornar a vida dele a mais confortável possível. Sudan vive na zona de proteção no Quênia com duas rinocerontes(-fêmeas), que também são as remanescentes do grupo. Os cientistas esperam salvar a subespécie de rinoceronte-branco do Norte utilizando as rinocerontes-brancas do Sul como mães adotivas embrionárias.

REFERENCE: Last male northern white rhine is sick
Ricardo thank you.