Significado de "by all accounts"

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4 respostas
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Cinnamon 16 60 498
Hi there!

"Segundo consta..."
"De acordo com relatos..."
"Segundo todos dizem..."
"Pelo que se diz..."
"De acordo com a opinião geral..."
"A vista de todos..."

by all accounts

1.According to the information or reports that are available or from what people are saying.
"I don't know how we survived that plane crash; by all accounts, we should be dead right now! By all accounts, this film is the best one of the year!"

2.Also, according to all accounts. From all reports available, from what everyone is saying.
"For example, By all accounts the party was a great success."
"They spent a fortune on their cruise, according to all accounts.

3. By/from ˈall accounts used when the speaker does not have direct experience of the thing mentioned but is reporting the ideas, etc. Of others.
"I’ve never seen any of her movies, but she’s a brilliant director, by all accounts."
"It was, from all accounts, a very interesting discussion."
From thefreedictionary


"para todos os efeitos" serve ?

Cinnamon 16 60 498
Sim, é uma versão boa a sua, já que se trata de uma espécie de expressão no inglês.

Obrigado Cinnamon