Como dizer "Eu não quero sonhar" em inglês

Para dizer "eu não quero sonhar", pode-se dizer "I don't want to dream of"?

Ou seria só "I don't want to dream"?

Já vi a utilização de "dream of" no final de frases, sem especificar o que, e gostaria de saber melhor sobre.


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O mais natural é dizer:
"I don't want to get my hopes high"; ou ainda;
"I don't want to get my hopes too high"
Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
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In music, they usually use "I don't want to dream of you" because it 'seems silly' ("you" must have done something I don't like, or frustrated me, etc).

Ref. dictionary.cambridge

Now let's think of the other side of your question.

Já vi a utilização de "dream of" no final de frases, sem especificar o que, e gostaria de saber melhor sobre.
It's when you refer to something, refer to the subject of the sentence, the most important thing (previously mentioned).

I want a world of happiness, fulfillment and emotional intelligence. That's the world I want to dream of.

A world of bad things happening, that's a world I don't to dream of.

OR, you could elaborate afterwards.
A manager could of things he don't want in business, "I don't want to dream of (tipo, "aqui nem pensar":
Bad consumer experience
Lack of feedback.
Negative customer reviews

Etc, those could be the death of their business.