Correção de texto "Business vocabulary"

Hello guys
I´ve studied some business vocabulary and I wrote this text, but I´m not sure if it is totally right. Could you help me to check it?
Thanks a lot

The organization I´ve worked to has been in financial dificulties lately. It had to be bailed out by the government last month or surely it would go bust. My manager has tried to find some solutions to improve the budget management, so He contract out some departments to other companies to attempt some spending cuts. The firm also has been commited to drumm up some business to increase profits so that the situation might level off.
The plan is to phase out the government loan over the following three years, especially after the rolling out of a new product we´ve been developing since last week.
Things have become better since Mr Matin, our former CEO, stepped down two months ago. After that a consortium of companies have taken over the group and I trutly believe that even if it is so hard dealing with all these changes we´ve been facing lately, those actions have been quite helpful and only the future will tell whether they will measure up.
A representant of the government told us two days ago that If the company shows them it is totally commited to this new Reconstruction Project, the debts might be written off – those are good news to our team, and I really believe that this matter only depends on us – I dare saying we are going to do that.

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Sugestões de correção:
The organization I've worked for has been in financial difficulties lately. It had to be bailed out by the government last month or surely it would go bust. My manager has tried to find some solutions to improve the budget management, so he contracted out some departments to other companies to attempt some spending cuts. The firm also has been commited to drumming up some business to increase profits so that the situation might level off.
The plan is to phase out the government loan over the following three years, especially after the rolling out of a new product we've been developing since last week.
Things have become better since Mr Matin, our former CEO, stepped down two months ago. After that a consortium of companies have taken over the group and I trutly believe that even if it is so hard dealing with all these changes we've been facing lately, those actions have been quite helpful and only the future will tell whether they will measure up.
A representant of the government told us two days ago that if the company shows them it is totally commited to this new Reconstruction Project, the debts might be written off – those are good news to our team, and I really believe that this matter only depends on us – I dare say we are going to do it.
Great text!

Bons estudos.
O professor das celebridades Daniel Bonatti ensina várias técnicas para você ter conversas melhores mesmo com conhecimentos básicos de inglês. Com as power questions você vai aprender a direcionar a conversa para onde quiser e com isso alcançar seus objetivos na comunicação. ACESSAR AULA
Thanks, Donay
It was a challenge for me, but I´ve been studying hard and I am so happy I could do that. I am thankful to all of you guys from English Experts as well because since I discovered this website a couple of years ago, I´ve improved my skills and language knowledge - this forum is amaaaazing!
Thank you again
6 49 1.3k
Reading such warming praising is both heartwarming. It´s a rewarding feeling for all us.
We are happy to have been part and for making some positive contribution to your learning. ;-)
6 49 1.3k
And now just a little suggestion aiming to improve further part of your writing .

I am thankful to all of you guys from English Experts as well. Because since I (have) discovered this website a couple of years ago, I´ve improved my skills and language knowledge - this forum is amaaaazing!

I am glad that you got your meaning across, your vocab is building, and it´s a good thing that you are venturing into the realm of expressing yourself. Good job!