Turn off the stove x turn off the flame gas: Qual usar

"Turn off the stove (desligue o fogão)" serve para desligar o botijão de gás ou para desligar uma boca acessa? Posso usar "turn off the flame gas"?

Há mais de uma panela no fogão e preciso que seja desligada uma chama específica, por exemplo da panela de pressão, o correto "turn off the pressure cooker"?

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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
You can turn off all the burners, or the one you are using (you has just used for cooking something - I mean).

You may turn off the stove.

You might have turned off the burner in which the pressure cooker was on/was sitting on.

Ref. bobsredmill
6- Pressure-cook for 5 min using a low burner setting (a medium burner setting may cause scorching). Turn off the burner.
We already knew that the pressure cooker (PC) was on the burner.

More examples:
Desligue o fogão ou forno alguns minutos antes de os alimentos estarem prontos e tire partido do calor residual 
Para acabar de cozinhar.
Switch the stove or oven off a few minutes before your food is ready and make use of the residual heat to finish 

Ec.europa.eu (that, in turn is an example from Linguee as well.)

Switch the pressure cooker over to the burner with the low setting when you reach pressure.
Mude a panela de pressão para a boca (do fogão – claro) que tem o fogo mais baixo, quando ela começar a chiar. (quando o conteúdo ferver e alcançar uma certa pressão).
Mude a panela de pressão para o queimador de menor intensidade…

It could also that, after it has been brought to a boil (when the pressure valve begins to rock and spin), set over the lowest flame possible, in X to Y minutes.
You could also, depending on the case, switch from the high-heat burner to the low-heat burner.

A guy talking about his eletrical stove:
I warm mine with all burners on high; the thermometer goes off scale at 500 degrees. It's above that.

When I put the meat on, I turn it down enough to keep temperature at 500 degrees, usually the meat burner on high, the veggie burners on low. I sear the meat for 4 minutes per side (steak might be 5 minutes depending on thickness). For thicker meat, or chicken, pork etc that needs to be well done, I then turn the heat down and try to maintain about 350 degrees on grill thermometer for the rest of the time. Chicken, pork chops etc are about 16 minutes total, 8 per side, 4 searing, 4 baking. The searing time is a constant (for my grill) and the baking time depends on meat and thickness, Steaks sear for 4-5 minutes total per side...
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
And finally, back to the crux:

"Turn off the stove (desligue o fogão)" serve para desligar o fogão (isso pode ser entendido como desligá-lo e inclusive desligar a válvula de passagem do botijão de gás para o mesmo.
Mas há casos e casos. Então não necessariamente se entende como fazer as duas coisas.

Para desligar uma boca acessa? Posso usar "turn off the burner".

Há mais de uma panela no fogão e preciso que seja desligada uma chama específica, por exemplo da panela de pressão, o correto "turn off the pressure cooker"?

Say you cooking beans in the P.C. On the burner, you can say "turn off the burner with the beans (in it)." (implicit the pressure cooker with the beans)

And could be expressed in other ways.