Correção de texto: Love comes by surprise [6546]

On october 9, 2018, I heard it on Fabricio Carpinejar’s youtuber channel and I thouht it’s awesome so I started to write it down and translate.
Fabricio Carpinejar is a poet and one of my favorite writers, besides being a real charater.
Let’s go to text first in portuguese:

O amor vem de surpresa.
Pense, você encontrou o amor da sua vida, maquiado, bem vestida, magra, no apogeu da sua forma física, no seu melhor dia quando tudo estava certo, encaixado, orgânico, sim?
Não. Não funciona! A gente sempre encontra o amor da nossa vida quando a gente está de chinelo, está parecendo um mendigo, quando a gente está atrapalhado, desastrado, quando as coisas não funcionam, quando a gente teve um péssimo dia, no meio de uma tempestade, molhado, suado, fedido.
O amor da sua vida vem no momento improprio, no memento incerto, no momento em que você torcia para não encontrar ninguém .
Não funciona se preparar para o amor. Existe talvez, uma conspiração divina, para que você encontre o seu amor, justamente no momento em que você não se preparou para ele.
Até por que, amor é simplicidade, é rascunho, até porque amor é justamente essa singeleza.
De repente você vai se apaixonar pela pessoa pelo despojamento, pela espontaneidade . Porque ele ou ela não está nem ai pra a opinião dos outros. Porque é sincera, desbocada, tem opinião, diz o que deseja e não fica esperando aprovação.
Não funciona fazer um período sabático: primeiro eu vou emagrecer, fazer meditação, me valorizar, para encontrar alguém. Isso é um manual para ser encalhada . Você será tão exigente porque teve tantas renúncias e privações que qualquer pretendente que se aproximar, você dirá: esse não, esse não corresponde minhas expectativas.
Quando estamos a vontade e que chamamos o amor, parece que exala do nosso corpo um perfume libertador dizendo: pode vim. Pode vim porque eu não estou preparado .
Não está preparado é estar vulnerável.

Think about it, if when met the love of your life, you were wearing make-up, well dressed, thin, in your best phisical shape, on a good day where everything was perfect, fitted, organic, right?
Not. It does not work.We Always meet the love of our life whem we’re in flip flops, looking like a beggar, when we are clumy, awakward, on a bad day, in the middle of a pouring rain, wet, sweaty, stinky.
The love of your life comes at an improper time, at uncertain moment, at the moment you hoped not to find anyone.
It doesn’t work to prepare for the love.There’s, perhaps, a divine conspiracy for you to meet your love at a time when you are not prepared for it.
Even because love is simplicity, draft, love is just that singleness.
Suddenly, you fall in love with someone because of stripped-down style, by the spontaniety, because she or he doesn’t care about the opinion of others, she is sincere, foul- mouthed and speaks what she wants without waiting for approval.
It does not work take a sabbatical as the type: first I’m going to lose weight, practice meditation, appreciate myself and then I find someone.

This is a manual to be a spinster . Because you’ll be so picky, demanding.You had so many waivers and deprivations to become your best version that any suitor who approaches you, you ‘ll say: not this one .This one doesn’t match my expectations.
When we are feeling at ease is when we attract love. It’s seems that our bodies exude a liberating scent saying. Come on.
Come on, cause I’m not ready.
It’s not prepared is being vulnerable.

Isa Mara Lando é uma referência entre os profissionais de tradução. Ela já traduziu mais de 100 livros, entre eles estão obras de autores aclamados, como: George Orwell, Salman Rushdie e Walter Isaacson (a biografia de Einstein). Nesta aula gratuita, Isa dá várias dicas de vocabulário. ACESSAR AULA
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Isamélia, my corrections are shown below. I've changed some words and phrases for greater clarification.

Think about it, you met the love of your life, wearing make-up, well dressed, thin, in your best physical shape, on a good day where everything was perfect, fitted, and organic, right?
No. It does not work like that. Most of the times we meet the love of our lives when wearing flip flops, looking like a beggar, clumsy, awkward, on a bad day, in the middle of a pouring rain, wet, sweaty, and stinky.
The love of your lives, many times, comes at an improper time, an uncertain moment, or when we are not expecting anyone.
It doesn’t work to get yourself ready for love. There is, perhaps, a divine conspiracy for you to meet your love at a time when you are not expecting at all.
Even because love is simple, sketchy, love is just that calmness.
All of a sudden, you fall in love with someone because of your[/i] natural, basic style, while being spontaneous because she or he doesn’t care about the opinions of others, is sincere, foul-mouthed, and speaks what she or he wants without waiting for approval.
It does not work to take a sabbatical, for example, first I’m going to lose weight, practice meditation, appreciate myself, and then I find someone.

This is a spinster's manual . Because you’ll be so picky, demanding, you had so many rejections and let-downs to show your best way, that anyone who approaches you, you'll say, "Not this one". This one doesn’t match my expectations.
When we are feeling at ease is when we may attract love. It seems that our bodies emit a liberating scent saying, "Come on."
Come on, because I’m not ready.
I'm not prepared to allow myself to be vulnerable.