Como dizer "abstrair" em inglês

Como dizer "abstrair" em inglês
TheBigSpire 1 11 33
Hey folks,

Como vocês diriam "abstrair" em inglês?

Todas as definições de dicionário que achei apontam que "abstract" não pode ser usado como verbo no mesmo sentido"abstrair" no português, no sentido de aliviar a cabeça, se distrair ou deixar algum problema de lado.



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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
In the sense you mean, I am afraid it's another definition.
Indeed it would be something in the sense of "unwind" (meaning release oneself from tension, in a sense kick tension in the butt - usually at the end of the day...) or "relax", etc.
Again in the sense of some "escape from a stressful day" for example.

Let's face it. Abstrair in the sense of "...aliviar a cabeça, se distrair ou deixar algum problema de lado." isn't much used, even in Portuguese.
When used it could be a bit ambiguous, to the newbie or the less versed in Portuguese.

Ref. wordreference
Ref. thesaurus

And there's the "tuning out", when someone "se desliga e não está ali (no momento) - distraído podendo ser por alguma coisa, pensamento, etc.

Whenever I talk while you're tuning out what I say... The corners of your mouth go up.
Quando estou falando e você se desliga/abstrai... Os cantos da sua boca sobem.

Tuning out here means that the person mind is "dessincronizada" (out of tune) "com o momento, com o que a outra está falando/dizendo."

So, the "abstrair" I have dealt with, can be in the sense of "desligar" but usually not in a voluntary way.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Abstrair in the sense of "...aliviar a cabeça, se distrair ou deixar algum problema de lado." isn´t much used, even in Portuguese.
I don´t mean that it can´t be found in that sense, thought. If someone use this wording in this sense I would understand, just that not always the person on the receiving end of the message will do. It could also be a source of ambiguity sometimes. That´s what I mean.
So, it´s not a case of "is not used", it´s a case of "use in moderation" (caution), as with the drinking of beer! :-)
TheBigSpire 1 11 33
Voltando apenas porque passei pelo termo unwind hoje, e tem exatamente o significado de abstrair que eu questionei no tópico, ou seja, desopilar, aliviar a cabeça.

- A new Yoga class to help you improve strength and flexibility, relax and unwind.
- After a stressful few weeks, being able to sit peacefully and unwind was idyllic.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Indeed "abstrair" meaning to relax isn´t normally in the dictionaries, but I have seen it on the Web. So, I must admit it is used in this sense as well.
Thanks for bringing it up.