Significado de "to sweep"

"He swept around in his long black cloak"
Na tradução oficial do livro lê-se:
"Caminhava imponente com sua longa capa negra"
No entanto, pesquisando em dicionários, não encontrei nenhuma definição de "to sweep" que possa passar essa ideia! A mais próxima que encontrei disso foi:
Sweep: "to move across or along violently"
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But the Thesaurus has that entry "sweep around" meaning "swing around" that in turn would mean "go around", translated as - "sair por ai/sair/circular (passar num lugar).

Ref. thesaurus
Ref. thesaurus

For "go around" I used the site Linguee.

So, the "caminhava imponente" would be a bit of poetic licence (the colourful language of the author here), but it would make sense in context, because of "his long black cloak".
That is, if "he" is boasting/making a show of having such a cloak, then it could well be translated as "caminhava imponente", the idea would be stronger than just saying "ele passava vestido com sua longa capa preta". It worth noticing that "sweep" suggests a circular movement, let's say "in a loop" he would go and come back in such cloak, perhaps proud of it? Perhaps to show power? The context is what would stablish that.
But yes, it makes sense. The translation certainly is an apt one.