Como dizer "O TED possui uma tarifa de R$ 1.99" em inglês

Tarifa em transações bancárias em inglês

Qual o termo mais apropriado para a tradução da seguinte frase:
O TED possui uma tarifa de R$ 1.99
Devo usar: rate, fee, fare, charge, rate, tax?

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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
The deposit fees are 1.99% of the transaction amount.
Or shorter "there are deposit fees of 1.99% for (deposit) transaction".

There is, if I got what meant without much context!
Ref. proz

In Bitcoin parlance for example, it's tersely expressed by "wire" (under deposit fees).
Ref. forexbrokerz

If you charge R$ 1.99 regardless of the size of deposit, then you could use the word "charge". And if you mean "charge" as a verb you can also say that you charge a fee as well (fee being a ratio).