Como dizer ''Tenho 10 reais, mas ainda faltam 20'' em inglês

Por exemplo: faltam 20 reais pra eu ter 30 reais.

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Oi Joy.pic,

Quando falta um certo valor, você pode usar o termo "to be short" e dizer por exemplo;

I'm 20 reais short as I only have 10 reais on me.

Eu complementei o restante da frase só como exemplo.
Nesta aula, o professor Denilso de Lima, autor do livro "Combinando Palavras em Inglês", ensina como as collocations (combinações de palavras) podem ajudar você a falar inglês com mais naturalidade. ACESSAR AULA
23 127 1.7k
No exemplo citado, eu recomendo:

Simplesmente: I still need 20 reals.

Mas, saiba que a sugestão acima é para o exemplo específico. Confira a postagem a seguir com outros exemplos e outras maneiras de se expressar isso.

Cf. Como dizer "Restar, Sobrar, Faltar" em inglês

Bons estudos.
6 49 1.3k
Very good! It´s very kind of you guys to share these insights.
In addition to Gabi commentary, I would like to offer some examples of the "dollar short" thing.

So, here goes the following examples:

 I found the shoes that I was looking for but I was ten dollars short.
(From somewhere else on the Internet.)

I needed to get to the airport by 8:00 p.m., and I only had about an hour to do that, I was cutting it close.

I got to Heathrow Airport at around 8:00 p.m., right when I needed to get there! All right, I was getting home on time.

... Then I looked at the meter on the cab and realized that I was ten dollars short. The driver was not letting me off that short, so he witheld my bag while I had to go in the airport to find an ATM. It was a ten-to-fifteen minute that cost me my flight home. I had to reschedule my flight…

(A small chunk from The Story of Mr. AntiSocial, by Por Michael Jean DuBois).

Notice: I used "you guys" by way of slang communication, a thing that already got me slightly in trouble on a message board. The participants were from the UK and mostly of feminine sex. One said that had issues with being called "guys". So I warn you guys to beware the context and your audience. Just in case...