Como dizer "Sair do espeto e cair na brasa" em inglês

Would you please, tell me what's the best way to say this idiomatic expression in English. Thanks in advance.

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First time I hear, must be equivalent to:

Out of the frying pan into the fire.
Phrase used to describe the situation of moving or getting from a bad or difficult situation to a worse one.
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6 49 1.3k
Good one, Proteus. By the way, it could also be translated into Portuguese in more ways:

...a situação) vai de mal a pior. (significando que só piora...)
Geralmente quando algo acontece onde poderia ser diferente, mas evolui para pior - infelizmente - geralmente quando alguém/as pessoas depositam esperanças em alguém ou evento e acaba não tendo o resultado esperado, e sim o contrário.

Saltar da frigideira e cair no fogo... Ou se quiser, apenas "da frigideira para o fogo" (no sentido da frase anterior.)

Ou melhor ainda, mais fácil do interlocutor entender: "saltar da frigideira para cair no fogo" (uma situação nada agradável, já dá pra entender visivelmente aqui que a pessoa trocou 6 por 5, ou menos - pensando que ia ser meia dúzia, ou mais).
6 49 1.3k
By the way, the expression (many say) comes from one of the animal fables of Aesop. That is, it would be the thought of the stag that fled from the dogs (to a cave), the cave there was a lion (a famished lion certainly).
So, the stag was out of the frying-pan into the fire (as expressed by Aesop).

Ref. mythfolklore
Ref. bloomsbury-international

It's worth noticing that it's a lose-lose situation, even if one could reverse the situation: out of the fire directly into the frying pan!
But usually (by seeing the expression somewhere) we will have the knee-jerk reaction of thinking that the subject would be better off not jumping into the fire, as if he/she would have a choice! Or if he had not decided on jumping he would be better off...
Usually not deciding is already a decision, this is one of the cases that prove it well. Unfortunately for worse, sort of.
6 49 1.3k
But it´s language, and it is where the classic authors prove their worth, since hundreds of years are past and we still use the expression.