Correção de texto: Personal Presentation [7987]

Hi, my name is Luiz da Silva and I’ve been working for ABC since 2015, in commercial area, as a Mechanical Engineer. I am based in Recife and I am responsible for the clients in the Northeast region. Together with colleagues based in other regions, our staff attends whole Brazil.
I am responsible for all sales of industrial instrumentation equipment. In addition, I’ve been developing new product import projects to ensure the supply of all our customers.
Since I started work here, my sales area has increased by 10% in volume and $ 300,000 of profits, on average, per month.
I consider it a good result, once my previous experience were in the technical area and not in the commercial.
I believe that my hability in dealing with customers and the simplification of some internal processes that I have suggested helped me achieve these results.

Preparamos um plano de estudos para ajudar você a dominar centenas de palavras e expressões do inglês em tempo recorde. EXPERIMENTE AGORA
1 resposta
Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Sugestões de correção:
Hi, my name is Luiz da Silva and I’ve been working for ABC since 2015, in the commercial field, as a Mechanical Engineer. I am based in Recife and I am responsible for the customer department in the Northeast region. We provide service for the whole country.
I am responsible for all sales of industrial instrumentation equipment. In addition, I’ve been developing new product import projects to ensure the supply to all our customers.
Since I started to work here, my sales area has increased by 10% in volume and $ 300,000 of profits, on average, per month.
I consider it a good result, once my previous experience was in the technical field and not in the commercial one.
I believe that my ability to deal with customers and the simplification of some internal processes that I have suggested helped me achieve these results.
Bons estudos.