Viva a Suécia. Pobre Brasil - Tradução em português

Hi guys,it's been years since I last used this site and I am happy for being here again.You've always had given me good support.
I am trying to translate a part of a book called "um país sem excelências nem mordomias" from Claudia Wallin,and I'd appreciate your feedback.Here it goes:

Viva a Suécia.Pobre Brasil!

A incipiente democracia brasileira vive uma situação sui generis.Ser politico e alto servidor público transformou-se numa profissão que confere à pessoa enormes confortos e modormias e altíssimos lucros. Empresários podem ser ministros, ou ministros ou altos secretários se transformam em banqueiros, depois de seus controvertidos mandatos. Deputados e senadores costumam ser empresários ou delegados de corporações empresariais ou agrárias.

Greets to Sweden. Poor Brazil!

The incipient Brazilian democracy currently is a singular position. Being a politician and a high-placed public servant has become a profession that gives to the people in those roles great comforts and privileges,besides astonishing profits. Business men can be ministers, or ministers or secretaries in high positions might end up becoming bank owners,after their controversial government.Deputies and senators are often seen as business men or business corporation delegates.

A professora Marcela Miranda, mais conhecida como a Tia do Inglês, ensina nesta aula introdutória o vocabulário básico de inglês para viagens. Está se preparando para sua próxima viagem? A sua jornada começa aqui! ACESSAR AULA
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Some approaches to enhancing your translation:

' The incipient Brazilian democracy undergoes a sui generis state of affairs. Being a politician and a high-level public servant has become a profession that grants tremendous comforts, privileges, and high-incomes to the people in those roles. Businessmen may be the president’s cabinet members, or its ministers or secretaries might end up as bank owners, after their controversial terms. Customarily, deputies and senators are businessmen or executives from agrarian or other sector companies.

* Owing to the fact that Latin lexis is internationally adopted and understood worldwide. The Latin term ‘SUI GENERIS’ should be kept in its original form, either in Portuguese or English language.
Faça um teste e descubra como está seus conhecimentos de vocabulário de inglês em 5 minutos! Este teste foi desenvolvido por professores experientes. O resultado sai na hora e com gabarito. INICIAR TESTE
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Algumas sugestões de melhoria:
The incipient Brazilian democracy is currently in a singular position. Being a politician and a high-placed public servant has become something that gives people in those positions great comforts and privileges, besides astonishing profits. Businessmen can be ministers, or ministers or secretaries in high positions might end up becoming bank owners, after their controversial government. Deputies and senators are often seen as businessmen or business corporation delegates.
Bons estudos.