Como dizer "como contatar" em inglês

Qual a tradução de "como contatar os espíritos da verdadeira luz?" para o inglês?

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
They usually translate it into something in the lines of "how to communicate with spirits of light" or "how to summon.../how to make contact with.../how to get in touch..." etc.
A sessão espírita, onde as pessoas entram em contato com espíritos, em inglês chama-se seance ou séance.

Seance - a meeting of spiritualists;
"the seance was held in the medium's parlor"
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Seance is related to communication with the spirits of the dead. Seancé stands for "session" in French.
The commentary touched on the topic a bit, but it was related to spirits of true light. I myself had missed the "true" in my reply. However, all it takes to get it right is to add the "true" there.
Thanks for sharing your insights Correa.