Como dizer "Em estado de putrefação" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Aprenda a dizer em estado de putrefação em inglês. Leia este artigo e aumente ainda mais as suas habilidades e o seu conhecimento no idioma. Fique por dentro do assunto.

O que significa putrefação?

Decomposição a que os corpos organizados ficam sujeitos depois de se lhes extinguir a vida. (Aulete)

Em inglês: in a state of putrefaction

Exemplos de uso:
  • The body is in a state of putrefaction. [O corpo está em estado de putrefação.]
  • It was in a state of putrefaction. [Estava em estado de putrefação.]
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1 resposta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Also "the body had reached a "decomposition stage" or "advance de decomposition stage/decomposed" (sometimes along with bloating but not necessarily so).
Still sometimes they will express by stating that the body was left or found decaying for a number of days (depending on that number two weeks or afterwards) it would metaphorically mean that.
In a non-polite way, one could express that by saying that it was left rotting for days.
That´s why angry people curse others wishing others rot in prison, as if they were left there and would die and still remain on the place! But then, it´s metaphorically speaking.