Como dizer "Ter olhos para alguém" em inglês

Ainda bem que tenho olhos para English Experts (rs) que só ele encontro Experts na língua inglesa, como o PPaulo, para responder às minhas dúvidas.


Foi uma brincadeira citar o Fórum e o PPaulo para referir à alguém de ter olhos para, de olhar, gostar somente para uma pessoa (ou coisa), a ponto até de se fixar nela para não gostar de outra coisa por mais que esta seja boa (quando coisa) ou engraçada (quando engraçada, carismática).
Logo, como fica a tradução da frase acima e do que está em questão?

Cya! (◕ᴗ◕✿)

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3 respostas
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Pensei em Hook

Hook: enjoying something so much that you are unable to stop having it, watching it, doing it, etc. ... les/hooked

I was hooked after two episodes.
During the Olympics, we all got hooked on ice dancing.
Her friends talked her into playing golf, and now she's hooked.

Vamos ver se o pessoal traz algo diferente...
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
That reminds me of the "only have eyes for someone/something": to be solely focused on or interested in something, often to the exclusion of or at the expense of other things. I'm not interesting in dating anyone else. I only have eyes for you, my darling.
(idioms - The Free Dictionary)

Brazil only have eyes for the Soccer World Cup

I had eyes only for sports.

Forget the home team: Asian fans only have eyes for European soccer. (healdine from the China Post)

This Forum is excellent, it´s brimming with good teamwork and talented participants, I am privileged to be among them. I know just a thing or two, but I much of what I have learned was around here. We live and we learn, we share and we learn!
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Notice that in "I had only eyes for sports." is a past form of "have".

Hence one can interpret as:
"eu só tinha olhos para os esportes." (mencionando algo no passado, há chances de eu não ter mais olhos para os esportes ou não ter olhos "só" para os esportes).

A little correction:
Headline - not "healdine" as previously posted. But then, this proves that isn´t a robot, an algorithm that is writing. :-)