Como dizer "Festa de encerramento" em inglês

Donay Mendonça 23 127 1.7k
Aprenda a dizer festa de encerramento em inglês. Leia esta dica e melhore ainda mais as suas habilidades e o seu conhecimento no idioma. Fique por dentro do assunto.

Closing party

Exemplos de uso:
  • The closing party will take place on Saturday. [A festa de encerramento irá acontecer no domingo.]
  • There will be a closing party after the event. [Haverá uma festa de encerramento depois do evento.]
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1 resposta
Bryan Philpott 2 22 127
Certain types of closing parties are given more specialized names:

When a movie, play, or TV program has finished its run, and the cast and crew are about to say their farewells, it is called a wrap party:

Ref. Collins Dictionary

When it is the end of the normal school year, and students are about to go on summer vacation, there can be many names, but among the ones I know: "School's Out Party", "Last Day of School Bash/Party", "Summer Bash", "End of the [School] Year Party".

After a large sports/music event, the closing party may be referred to as the "after party", as though the original event was like a large celebration/party in and of itself.