Qual a estrutura correta dessas perguntas negativas?

Por exemplo, nessas perguntas negativas quais seriam as estruturas corretas?

1)IS she NOT a good person? X IS NOT she a good person?

2)Why internet IS NOT working? X Why IS NOT internet working ?

3)Why WAS NOT canceled the meeting? X Why the meeting WAS NOT canceled ?

Estou com dúvidas enquanto a ordem das palavras. Desde já agradeço.

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4 respostas
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Swarmfire 2 19
As palavras de começo normalmente chamadas de Questions Words (Why, Which, How, Who,...) são um complemento, então são adicionadas a estrutura básica no início
Estrutura básica:

To be + subject + o que se pergunta

Estrutura com Questions Words:

Q.W. + To be + subject + o que se pergunta
Agora quando usamos no negativo, vamos adicionar uma opção, "desejamos que a frase seja coloquial, não excessivamente como ain't, ou queremos que ela tenha um tom poético / literário"
Para quando quiser uma linguagem coloquial a estrutura é esta:

Q.W. + To be + Not + subject + o que se pergunta

(Pode abreviar sim! Isso é o mais comum)

Para quando quiser uma linguagem literária a estrutura muda um pouco:

Q.W. + To be + subject + Not + o que se pergunta
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
1- Is she not a good person?
But more often than not we would use "isn´t she a good person?". Anyway, if you get puzzled by the word worder (and it´s a not an academical question) you could change to "she is a good person, isn´t she?" (slightly suggests you expect the person will say "yes" but then she is free to say "no" as well.
2)Why the internet IS NOT working?
3)Why the meeting WAS NOT canceled ?
As you see after the "Why" comes the subject or a noun [the internet/the meeting], perhaps this information comes in handy for you (makes things easier to you in the future).

Notice that "why WAS NOT canceled the meeting?" is not acceptable in English, even if it sounds a bit similar to the structure in Portuguese: "por que não foi cancelada a reunião?". And with questions - being similar to word order in Portuguese is precisely a sign that something is wrong! ;-)

I know, I know, you will say that in Portuguese a more acceptable way would be "por que a reunião não foi cancelada?". That way was just for illustration´s sake, since sometimes people could speak like that.
Swarmfire 2 19
PPaulo não sei se é falta de compreensão minha, se for já agradeço pela paciência, mas eu não entendi bem a última parte sobre "Why was not canceled the meeting?"...

Eu errei em dizer que a frase "Why was not the meeting canceled" é aceitável ou você estava exemplificando o erro de ordem errada "Why + To Be + Not + Verb + Subject"?

(Se alguém não entender a resposta do PPaulo, me disponho a traduzir o que foi dito)
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
I referred to the pair "Why WAS NOT canceled the meeting? - vs - Why the meeting WAS NOT canceled?"

The usual and natural way would be "why the meeting was not canceled?"
So, "why was not the meeting canceled?" would not be the usual way, I would avoid it if answering an exercise in a textbook. That´s what I meant.