Hold onto - Tradução em português

Jeanny0 1
Qual é a tradução de "Hold onto" no seguinte contexto:

- Two local representatives held onto their seats in yesterday’s election.
- The team held onto first place with a 4-3 win last night.

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3 respostas
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PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
#1 kept their seats (were reelected)- to my thinking.

#2 maintained/kept itself in the first place (where it was before that game). It didn´t fall to second place because it won the match.
NeyF 3 24 206
Held onto their seats = se mantiveram em suas cadeiras (lugar no congresso).

Held onto first place = continuaram no primeiro lugar.
PPAULO 6 49 1.3k
Yes. That´s right, NeyF. Thanks for sharing your translation in Portuguese.