Como dizer "Morrendo ao som de" em inglês

Hoje eu tive um sonho muito estranho, sonhei que estava morrendo ao som de uma música tocando no fundo. A música era Stick Around, da Rachael Yamagata.

Então, eu tentei pensar em inglês como seria a frase: "hoje eu sonhei que estava morrendo ao som de Rachael Yamagata".

Eu poderia traduzir assim: " Last night I dreamed I was dying with(?) Rachael Yamagata's song Stick Around playing in the background"?

Ou assim: " I saw myself dying in my dream and this song was playing in the background"?


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Paulo's suggestions are correct, and I would add:

"Last night I dreamt I was dying with Rachel Yamagata's Stick Around playing in the background."

And, actually, the expression "to do something to the sound of something else" does exist in English, but isn't super common. That said, some quotes:

"I do not want to die to the sound of cardiac monitors, nurse call buttons beeping and the smell of disinfectant in the air."

"it would be pleasing to die to the sound of the wind sighing through the branches of a pine which oneself had planted.”

"Let me die to the sound of delicious music"

But to say that in a context like this, telling your friends or family a story about a dream you had, would be a little out of place. The contexts where "to die to the sound of" fits are more formal or lofty or funereal.
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I had a strange dream where while I was dying a background sound was playing.

I had a weird dream where a song played in the background while I was dying.
(not exactly grammatically correct, but okay for texting or colloquial.)

I had an odd dream and this song was playing in the background while I was dying.
(you can say that by telling a story, the "this" don´t mean a specific song, just a song in general.)